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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Programs for Non-Traditional Audiences

Last Updated

Enrollments, credits, awards, and tuition revenue for the academic programs included in the workbook.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Academic_Plan, Academic_Subplan, Bursar_Assessed_Tuition, Frozen_Enrollment_Demo, Frozen_Enrollment_Plan, Frozen_Enrollment_Subplan, Retention_Awards_Main, Retention_Awards_Plan, Retention_Awards_Subplan, Retention_Plan_History
Update Schedule
Data extract is updated manually at the start of a new academic year and is then updated monthly on the last day of every month.
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
Important Notes

The data visualization includes all approved academic programs that meet one or more of the following criteria: are offered at times for non-traditional populations, can be completed via distance education, or have tuition revenue directed to the offering academic unit. These characteristics are determined during the program approval process Four key summary metrics are shown for each type of program: Awards (degrees and certificates for program completers), student credit hours and enrollments in the programs, and the number of programs in each of the three program categories.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Capstone Certificate

A stand-alone certificate that 'caps off' an undergraduate degree or offers a focused, professionally oriented learning opportunity.

Academic Planning
Distance Education Program

An indicator of whether the plan or any of its subplans is approved for distance delivery as defined by the Higher Learning Commission where 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as distance-delivered courses where the vast majority of instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication where instructors and students are physically separated from each other.

Academic Planning
Fiscal Year

A period that an organization uses for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements. For the university, the fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30 (i.e., FY2016 = July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). Summer is the first term in the university fiscal year.

Net Assessed Tuition

The assessed tuition amount minus any waived amount. This is the amount of tuition that the university expects to collect.

Net Paid Tuition Revenue

The amount of net tuition revenue (assessed minus waived) that has been paid by a student. This is the amount actually collected by the university as opposed to net assessed tuition.

Non-Traditional Program

Program designed to meet the needs of non-traditional student audiences; has an applied, practice-oriented curriculum that is self-contained with a clear pathway with few electives or options; is offered in a modality that allows non-traditional audiences to attend (evening, weekend, distance, intensive, or some combination thereof); has a market demand and learning goals that are oriented to market considerations.

Academic Planning
Non-pooled Tuition

Tuition that directly supports an organizational unit instead of being combined with other revenues for general support of the institution.

School/College of Academic Plan

Indicates the school/college that has ownership of the academic plan.

Academic Planning, Student Record