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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Accounts Receivable and Billing Dashboard

Last Updated

This dashboard summarizes and displays Accounts Receivable data received from Accounting Services at the Division of Business Services. This includes adjustments and cancellations, as well as write-offs. A fiscal year-over-year comparison is also available. Data is currently updated on an Excel sheet in Box and is not refreshed automatically.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Access Restrictions
Specific / Limited Audience
Data Source Information
Update Schedule
Responsible Office
Division of Business Services


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Adjustment (Accounts Receivable)

A correction to errors in amounts invoiced (e.g., incorrect rate charged for a service, incorrect quantity ordered).

Cancellation (Accounts Receivable)

The invalidation of an invoice when an error has been made on the bill. Examples include incorrect customer, contact, or location defined on the bill or a duplicate bill already invoiced.

Credit Memo

A reduction to the customer account receivable balance. An example would be a discount for early payment.

Debit Memo

An increase to the customer account receivable balance. An example would be a fee for a payment that was returned for insufficient funds.

Division (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each school/college or non-academic division within a Unit (UDDS). Division is the second and third characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
External Customers (Accounts Receivable)

Customers whose invoices generate an accounts receivable balance. Examples include all private companies, organizations, individuals, state agencies, external sponsors, and other UW institutions.

Fiscal Year

A period that an organization uses for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements. For the university, the fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30 (i.e., FY2016 = July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). Summer is the first term in the university fiscal year.

Internal Customers (Accounts Receivable)

Customers whose invoices do not generate an accounts receivable balance when generated. Examples include all departments at UW-Madison.


A bill that is delivered to the customer with a balance due.

Match Transaction

A transaction to match credit or debit memos with invoices or payments to zero out balances.


Money received from a customer for services rendered or products received.

Payment on Account

Money received from the customer when it is unclear what the money is intended to pay, or is a duplicate payment. Money is placed on a customer's account until it can be determined what to do with the funds.

Transfer (Accounts Receivable)

A process to transfer payments posted in Accounts Receivable to a department elsewhere on campus.

Write-off (Accounts Receivable)

An uncollectible outstanding balance for an invoice that reduces the customer account receivable balance, can be processed with a credit memo. Examples include a customer in bankruptcy or deceased, or the debt has reached the age where we can no longer attempt to collect payment (statute of limitations).
