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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

Postdoctoral Fellow


A postdoctoral appointment usually funded from a postdoctoral fellowship, which is an award made by an outside organization or agency to the individual in question. A person eligible for a postdoctoral fellowship is usually within five years of having received the doctorate, and most fellowship awards are for two-year terms. Fellows are paid a stipend as opposed to wages.

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Employee Record, Research Administration

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Postdocs at UW-Madison
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization provides information on the background characteristics of postdocs at UW-Madison, their average time spent in postdoctoral training, and their employment outcomes after leaving their postdoc appointment at UW-Madison. It was developed as part of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science initiative (CNGLS). UW-Madison is a founding member of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science, which includes 55 national research universities and schools of medicine. The Coalition seeks to improve transparency related to career prospects and opportunities for life sciences trainees, including both graduate students and postdocs.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Employee Record Public Publicly Available 09/19/2023