Welcome to UW—Madison's glossary of terms used in administrative data and reports.
Here you will find functional definitions of terms, as well as dashboards and reports that use those terms.
Click "Related Dashboards and Reports" to see a list and description of dashboards and reports using a term.
If you have questions or comments, please contact us.
The Tableau Server will be unavailable from 8-10PM on 1/16/2025 due to server maintenance
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
This workbook exports a file listing student assistant appointments (PA, RA, TA, & LSA) that may qualify the graduate or professional student holding the appointment for tuition remission. Query output is limited to active A & C-basis appointments where the employed student has a minimum total FTE of 33% for all appointments in the term selected. Data reflect the most recent action and action effective date in HRS at the time the query is run.
This Tableau workbook provides faculty salary data by department (including gender, faculty rank and years since degree) to assist in determining whether faculty members are appropriately and equitably paid in comparison to peers at UW-Madison.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
A university staff member assigned to students for the purpose of advising them on academic matters, such as the requirements for progression through a degree program.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing two tabs of results. The first is a query of students enrolled in Graduate School research doctoral programs (PhD & DMA) and the second is a query of students that have completed at least one graduate program milestone. Optional filters provide the opportunity to specify specific milestones, plans, and advisors.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
A filterable list of students enrolled within the current term, two future terms, and two past terms, who have had an academic action taken on their student record.
Indicates the level and type of award granted to a student who graduates in a given plan code. For example, Bachelor's, Master's, Research Doctorate, Clinical Doctorate, Undergraduate Certificate, Capstone Certificate.
Academic Planning, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Award Category
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
Includes details of the CIP Code assignment and change process, current CIP Code assignments for UW-Madison degree-majors and certificates, all CIP Codes relevant to public research universities, and eligibility for the federal STEM-OPT program which is based on CIP Code assignments. See the additional information section below for general information about CIP codes, their structure, and their uses.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their College/University Degree Requirements, including General Education Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to College/University Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook provides data about exceptions to undergraduate major requirements for graduates since Summer 2014. This includes total exception counts for current and past major versions, exceptions/awards with comparisons to Field of Study in School/College averages, counts of exceptions according to major requirement, as well as by courses used in substitution.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degree and completion metrics, as well as peer comparison data from AAU peers for the same metrics. Metrics include Time-to-Degree, Completion rate, and Retention rate.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their Major Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to Major Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.
This workbook shows the full tuition schedule and tuition structures used by UW-Madison programs. The tuition structure and rates depend on the degree-level of the program, it's school/college, and several other factors. Because of this complexity users are able to select an academic program and see the tuition structure it uses and the rates associated with it.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degree and completion metrics, as well as peer comparison data from AAU peers for the same metrics. Metrics include Time-to-Degree, Completion rate, and Retention rate.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their Major Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to Major Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their College/University Degree Requirements, including General Education Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to College/University Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2016).
This data visualization comes from a combination of 2 data sources: 1) UW-Madison Libraries instruction session statistics; 2) Student enrollments for corresponding course sections. Library staff record an entry each time they provide information literacy instruction or otherwise visit a course. These sessions are recorded and maintained by the Libraries' Teaching & Learning Programs office.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
School or college of the academic award. In general, each academic award is associated with a unique academic plan, and each academic plan is part of a unique academic program, and every academic program is associated with a unique school or college. "MSN"/"UW-Madison" is used when an academic award has no school or college associated with it (such as an individualized major or special graduate committee award) or for an additional major.
Academic Planning, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Award School/College
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their College/University Degree Requirements, including General Education Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to College/University Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This Tableau workbook visualizes the geographic distribution of alumni who earned a bachelor's degree from UW-Madison in the last 20 years. Alumni can be filtered by school/college and tuition residency as students.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their Major Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to Major Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This workbook provides information about the mathematics requirements for UW-Madison bachelor's degree majors. This workbook is intended to compare degree majors to each other and illustrate general mathematics requirements. Specific mathematics requirements for each major can be found in the Guide (https://guide.wisc.edu/undergraduate/) under the requirements tab for each degree major.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
An academic calendar year consists of a sequential fall, spring, and summer terms. For example, the 2021-2022 academic calendar year includes fall 2021, spring 2022 and summer 2022. The academic calendar year is defined by the UW-Madison Faculty's Academic Calendar, governed by FPP (https://secfac.wisc.edu/academic-calendar/).
Note: This term for “academic calendar year” was created for catalog purposes to align with the UW Madison curriculum. As a rule of thumb, institutional reporting follows the student and academic-related processes that mainly operate on a summer/fall/spring cycle (i.e. [[academic year (Su,Fa,Sp)]].
Academic Planning
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Calendar Year (Fa,Sp,Su)
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their College/University Degree Requirements, including General Education Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to College/University Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their Major Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to Major Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.
The earliest academic term a student enrolled at UW-Madison in a given academic career. For some students with dual careers this field is not populated.
Academic Planning, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Career Matriculation Term
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file containing results of a query of the student directory. It has contact information for students registered in the last two terms, the current term, and up to two future terms. Students with FERPA holds are not omitted from this workbook. The Ferpa Flag field indicates which students have withheld their information from public release.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
Indicates whether a student is an undergraduate, graduate or professional, or special student. For undergraduates, students are freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior based on accumulated credits, not the duration of time at the University.
This IDE provides a list of courses taken by one or more selected students, which can be filtered by dimensions such as School/College of Course or Course Level.
This Tableau workbook provides snapshot data on undergraduates enrolled in the current and prior two terms. Data can be viewed at the section, course, and subject level. All enrollment figures are combined course enrollment.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file containing results of a query of the student directory. It has contact information for students registered in the last two terms, the current term, and up to two future terms. Students with FERPA holds are not omitted from this workbook. The Ferpa Flag field indicates which students have withheld their information from public release.
Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2016).
This data visualization comes from a combination of 2 data sources: 1) UW-Madison Libraries instruction session statistics; 2) Student enrollments for corresponding course sections. Library staff record an entry each time they provide information literacy instruction or otherwise visit a course. These sessions are recorded and maintained by the Libraries' Teaching & Learning Programs office.
A collection of visualizations around course enrollments. Included are course enrollments, course enrollments by plan, course enrollments by catalog number, summer term course enrollments, and low course enrollments. Each visualization has filters which may be utilized.
Student enrollments in majors, named options, certificates, and doctoral minors awarded by UW-Madison can be disaggregated by degree level, school/college, department, and major for all terms since summer 2000 in which data is available. Student demographic information is provided, including gender, full-time/part-time status, residency status, federal racial/ethnic category, international status, and term admit type.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
Results from the student campus climate survey are disaggregated by the student's school/college, the department home of their major(s), and by several demographic characteristics.
This is a visualization of student credit hours using the Credits Follow the Instructor (CFI) data system which apportions course credits to the section level and then attributes course section credits to the academic unit funding the instructor. This attribution is often different than the academic unit that coordinates the course subject listing(s). The number of student credits hours, the change from previous like semesters, and the relationship between funding department and subject listing(s) are all provided. Student credit hours for fall and spring semesters between fall 2014 and fall 2023 are included.
Includes time-to-degree, measured in elapsed calendar years, for bachelors degree recipients by major and by several demographic categories. Time-to-degree for similar majors at public peer institutions is also provided.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
A filterable list of students enrolled within the current term, two future terms, and two past terms, who have had an academic action taken on their student record.
An indicator of the faculty-approved status of the academic organization. Department recognition has three values to distinguish the authority of different types of academic organizations. D= Department. An academic organization recognized as a department and tenure home, approved as such by UAPC, University Committee, Faculty Senate per FPP Ch 5. In some cases the school/college/division serves as the department (Business, School of Human Ecology, Nelson Institute, Law School, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy). L = Department-Like Academic Unit with Tenure. An academic organization that has department-like status and serves as a faculty tenure home, sometimes with restrictions. Approved as such by UAPC, University Committee. Exceptions for the purposes of the academic structure are the school/college/division acting as a department: CALS, Engineering, Education, Letters & Science, SMPH, Veterinary Medicine, Division of Continuing Studies. N = An academic organization that that serves as an academic home for an academic program or curricular subject listing but is not approved to serve as a faculty tenure home. Approved as such by the University Academic Planning Council.
This IDE provides a list of courses with the number of students by major. Results can be filtered by term, subject, school/college of course, school/college of student, academic plan, and session code.
This IDE provides a count of courses taken by subject, academic plan type, and academic plan, based on user-defined filters. The results also contain campus IDs of students in each subject and plan.
A list of historical counts of students in academic plans, pivoted by primary school/college of the student. Each row contains a total count of students across schools/colleges.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
This workbook provides information about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison's academic structure.
This Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) exports publicly accessible student directory information to Excel for operational use. Campus IDs can be input to get a contact list for a specific group of students.
This workbook exports a file listing student assistant appointments (PA, RA, TA, & LSA) that may qualify the graduate or professional student holding the appointment for tuition remission. Query output is limited to active A & C-basis appointments where the employed student has a minimum total FTE of 33% for all appointments in the term selected. Data reflect the most recent action and action effective date in HRS at the time the query is run.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students. The visualization provides the same information as the Graduate School Admissions & Enrollment Data Visualization, but using a Universal Program filter, so that custom links can be created that are Plan/Named Option specific.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
A collection of visualizations around course enrollments. Included are course enrollments, course enrollments by plan, course enrollments by catalog number, summer term course enrollments, and low course enrollments. Each visualization has filters which may be utilized.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels.
A summary of Master's Exit Survey responses. Presented data are from the current version of the survey, which was first administered in November, 2019. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, named option, and selected student demographics.
A summary of Doctoral Student Experience Survey responses since November, 2019 when the survey was first administered. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, and selected student demographics.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
A summary of Doctoral Exit Survey responses from the past seven academic years. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, and selected student demographics.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Enrolled Students' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics by Funding Level' tabs of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing two tabs of results. The first is a query of students enrolled in Graduate School research doctoral programs (PhD & DMA) and the second is a query of students that have completed at least one graduate program milestone. Optional filters provide the opportunity to specify specific milestones, plans, and advisors.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degree and completion metrics, as well as peer comparison data from AAU peers for the same metrics. Metrics include Time-to-Degree, Completion rate, and Retention rate.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
This workbook provides a list of students enrolled in programs (plan/subplan) with non-pooled tuition. Before extending offers for positions with graduate fee remissions, departments should consult this listing to make sure the candidate is not on this list. Searchable fields include name, SIS emplid, and campus id.
This workbook provides information about the mathematics requirements for UW-Madison bachelor's degree majors. This workbook is intended to compare degree majors to each other and illustrate general mathematics requirements. Specific mathematics requirements for each major can be found in the Guide (https://guide.wisc.edu/undergraduate/) under the requirements tab for each degree major.
This workbook shows the full tuition schedule and tuition structures used by UW-Madison programs. The tuition structure and rates depend on the degree-level of the program, it's school/college, and several other factors. Because of this complexity users are able to select an academic program and see the tuition structure it uses and the rates associated with it.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
A filterable list of students enrolled within the current term, two future terms, and two past terms, who have had an academic action taken on their student record.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.
Academic Department/Academic Unit having ownership of an academic plan. This is the academic unit that provides advising to students in the academic plan, initiates changes in the requirements of the academic plan, and controls admission to the plan (when admissions are selective).
Academic Planning, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Plan Department/Academic Unit
Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
"Academic Staff" means professional and administrative personnel, other than faculty and university staff, with duties and types of appointments that are primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
This workbook provides information about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison's academic structure.
This workbook exports a file listing student assistant appointments (PA, RA, TA, & LSA) that may qualify the graduate or professional student holding the appointment for tuition remission. Query output is limited to active A & C-basis appointments where the employed student has a minimum total FTE of 33% for all appointments in the term selected. Data reflect the most recent action and action effective date in HRS at the time the query is run.
This workbook provides a list of students enrolled in programs (plan/subplan) with non-pooled tuition. Before extending offers for positions with graduate fee remissions, departments should consult this listing to make sure the candidate is not on this list. Searchable fields include name, SIS emplid, and campus id.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.
An academic year consists of sequential summer, fall, and spring terms. For example, the 2021-22 academic years includes summer 2021, fall 2021, and spring 2022.
Academic Planning
Related Dashboards / Reports for Academic Year (Su,Fa,Sp)
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students. The visualization provides the same information as the Graduate School Admissions & Enrollment Data Visualization, but using a Universal Program filter, so that custom links can be created that are Plan/Named Option specific.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook provides data about exceptions to undergraduate major requirements for graduates since Summer 2014. This includes total exception counts for current and past major versions, exceptions/awards with comparisons to Field of Study in School/College averages, counts of exceptions according to major requirement, as well as by courses used in substitution.
This Tableau workbook provides faculty salary data by department (including gender, faculty rank and years since degree) to assist in determining whether faculty members are appropriately and equitably paid in comparison to peers at UW-Madison.
Degrees, named options, certificates, and doctoral minors awarded by UW-Madison since summer 1999 can be disaggregated by degree level, school/college, department, and major. Degree recipient demographic information is provided, including gender, student of color status, underrepresented student of color status, and international status.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels.
A summary of Master's Exit Survey responses. Presented data are from the current version of the survey, which was first administered in November, 2019. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, named option, and selected student demographics.
A summary of Doctoral Student Experience Survey responses since November, 2019 when the survey was first administered. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, and selected student demographics.
A summary of Doctoral Exit Survey responses from the past seven academic years. Data can be filtered by year, division, school/college, academic plan, and selected student demographics.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Enrolled Students' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics by Funding Level' tabs of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degree and completion metrics, as well as peer comparison data from AAU peers for the same metrics. Metrics include Time-to-Degree, Completion rate, and Retention rate.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
This visualization provides average faculty salaries at UW-Madison and official salary peer institutions beginning with 2018-19. It also shows the percentage gap between UW-Madison and peer schools/colleges and departments. Users can see the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code used to match departments across institutions in each year.
The number and percentage of bachelor's degree recipients who completed UW-Madison courses is shown by major, school/college, admit type, tuition residency and semester type (when the course was taken).
The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.
This is a visualization of student credit hours using the Credits Follow the Instructor (CFI) data system which apportions course credits to the section level and then attributes course section credits to the academic unit funding the instructor. This attribution is often different than the academic unit that coordinates the course subject listing(s). The number of student credits hours, the change from previous like semesters, and the relationship between funding department and subject listing(s) are all provided. Student credit hours for fall and spring semesters between fall 2014 and fall 2023 are included.
Includes time-to-degree, measured in elapsed calendar years, for bachelors degree recipients by major and by several demographic categories. Time-to-degree for similar majors at public peer institutions is also provided.
This workbook shows the full tuition schedule and tuition structures used by UW-Madison programs. The tuition structure and rates depend on the degree-level of the program, it's school/college, and several other factors. Because of this complexity users are able to select an academic program and see the tuition structure it uses and the rates associated with it.
This workbook shows course D/F/drop rates over time and for several demographic categories. It also shows the components of the D/F/drop rate (% of D/F/drops that are Ds, Fs, or drops) and courses where rates of D/F/drops are inequitable by demographic category.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
Several key metrics related to the educational pipeline are provided at both the county and high school level for the graduating class of 2022-23. These metrics include: the number of Wisconsin public high school graduates, the number and percentage of these graduates who applied to UW-Madison, the number and percentage of these graduates who were admitted, and the number and percentage of the admits who enrolled in fall 2023.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
The workbook provides year to date detailed fund balances by fund and account category. It also provides inception to date carryover balances for Program Revenue (PR) funds and budget carryover for General Purpose funds (GPR).
This Tableau workbook provides charts and tables of non-pooled tuition revenue and students as of the summer of 2013 (fiscal year 2013-14). Users have multiple options for filtering data such as academic plan and subplan, tuition residency, term and item type. Data download options include images, text files, crosstabs and PDFs.
An export of salary data for both the past (payroll) and the future (projection). Data is displayed by job, project, pay period, HRS distribution percentage, funding source, etc.
The workbook provides year to date detailed fund balances by fund and account category. It also provides inception to date carryover balances for Program Revenue (PR) funds and budget carryover for General Purpose funds (GPR).
This visualization provides high level overviews of space allocation, space use, and space function across campus and can be customized to view select organization(s), locations(s), use(s), and function types. It also includes a report on space productivity related to staff counts based on human resources data. The primary users of this dashboard will be Facilities Planning and Management and offices involved in campus planning and resource management at the institutional level.
This dashboard summarizes and displays Accounts Receivable data received from Accounting Services at the Division of Business Services. This includes adjustments and cancellations, as well as write-offs. A fiscal year-over-year comparison is also available. Data is currently updated on an Excel sheet in Box and is not refreshed automatically.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students. The visualization provides the same information as the Graduate School Admissions & Enrollment Data Visualization, but using a Universal Program filter, so that custom links can be created that are Plan/Named Option specific.
Several key metrics related to the educational pipeline are provided at both the county and high school level for the graduating class of 2022-23. These metrics include: the number of Wisconsin public high school graduates, the number and percentage of these graduates who applied to UW-Madison, the number and percentage of these graduates who were admitted, and the number and percentage of the admits who enrolled in fall 2023.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
Recommendation by an academic department to the Graduate School to admit a graduate applicant. Valid department reason codes in the Graduate School application system are G60 (full admission), G61 (admission on probation), G63 (master's only admission), G65 (admission with deficiencies), and G66 (admission on probation with deficiencies).
Applicants may also be counted as admits if they are approved for admission by the Graduate School Office of Admissions. Valid Graduate School action reason codes are G11 (admit-full standing), G13 (admit-missing final transcript), G17 (admit on probation), and G18 (temporary admit on probation).
Admissions, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Admit (Graduate Career)
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students. The visualization provides the same information as the Graduate School Admissions & Enrollment Data Visualization, but using a Universal Program filter, so that custom links can be created that are Plan/Named Option specific.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
Advanced Opportunity Fellowships (AOF) are intended to support the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs. Graduate program applicants who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who meet at least one of the following basic criteria are flagged in the Graduate Application system as eligible to receive the AOF:
McNair students: students who participated in a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program; OR
Students from the following racial/ethnic groups: a) African American or Black; b) American Indian or Alaskan Native; c) Hispanic/Latino; d) Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, or Hmong; e) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; OR
Economically disadvantaged students: a) first-generation college students who participated in one of the following TRIO programs: Upward Bound, Talent Search, Educational Opportunities Centers, or Student Support Services; b) first-generation college students who graduated from the PEOPLE Program; or c) UW–Madison bachelor's degree recipients who were in the FASTrack or BANNER programs.
Students who do not meet any of the above criteria may still be nominated for the fellowship by their academic program. Nominations are judged on a case by case basis.
Financial Aid
Related Dashboards / Reports for Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (AOF)
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Enrolled Students' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics by Funding Level' tabs of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing two tabs of results. The first is a query of students enrolled in Graduate School research doctoral programs (PhD & DMA) and the second is a query of students that have completed at least one graduate program milestone. Optional filters provide the opportunity to specify specific milestones, plans, and advisors.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
'An affiliation allows a faculty member or a member of the academic staff to be associated with a department without governance rights or a continuing departmental commitment.' Source (08-18-23): Policies and Procedures Chapter 5 – Departmental Facultieshttps://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-805#Pol805_5_13.
A way for Canvas course instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post course-related topics on a page within Canvas. Announcements are designed to allow instructors to broadcast information out to all members of a course or to all members of sections within a course.
Teaching and Learning
Related Dashboards / Reports for Announcements (Canvas)
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students. The visualization provides the same information as the Graduate School Admissions & Enrollment Data Visualization, but using a Universal Program filter, so that custom links can be created that are Plan/Named Option specific.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program admissions and enrollment for the past five academic years. It includes data on admissions selectivity and yield rates, the demographics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as the home state or country of enrolled students.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
Point-in-time designation based upon an applicant's progression through the admissions process. Examples include but are not limited to 'Applied', 'Admitted', 'Matriculated', 'Enrolled', etc.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
Several key metrics related to the educational pipeline are provided at both the county and high school level for the graduating class of 2022-23. These metrics include: the number of Wisconsin public high school graduates, the number and percentage of these graduates who applied to UW-Madison, the number and percentage of these graduates who were admitted, and the number and percentage of the admits who enrolled in fall 2023.
The action of an appointing authority to place a person in a position within the agency (UW-Madison) in accordance with the law and the Rules of the Administrator, Division of Merit Recruitment and Selection (DMRS). An appointment is effective when the employee reports for work or is in paid leave status on the agreed starting date and time.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
This interactive visualization provides October and March payroll data going back to 1993 and monthly payroll data for recent years. It includes FTE and annual payroll amounts at the institution, division, department and subdepartment levels.
Visualizations break down a unit's PIs' extramural expenditures and awards by the unit in which the funding resides, show PIs' appointment locations for expenditures/awards for which the funding resides in a given unit, and help compare a unit's impact in terms of expenditures/awards within that unit to its impact in terms of the expenditures/awards of its PIs regardless of where the funding resides.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This Tableau workbook provides charts and tables of non-pooled tuition revenue and students as of the summer of 2013 (fiscal year 2013-14). Users have multiple options for filtering data such as academic plan and subplan, tuition residency, term and item type. Data download options include images, text files, crosstabs and PDFs.
This visualization provides high level overviews of space allocation, space use, and space function across campus and can be customized to view select organization(s), locations(s), use(s), and function types. It also includes a report on space productivity related to staff counts based on human resources data. The primary users of this dashboard will be Facilities Planning and Management and offices involved in campus planning and resource management at the institutional level.
Type of Canvas activity as classified by a Canvas course instructor or coordinator. This can include: Announcements (Canvas); Assignments (Canvas); Collaborations (Canvas); Discussions (Canvas); Gradebook Grades (Canvas); Modules (Canvas); Pages (Canvas); Quizzes (Canvas); or other groupings that an instructor decides to use. This can also be referred to as an Activity Type.
A task or piece of work that a student is given to do within Canvas by a Canvas course instructor, showing students what will be expected of them and how many possible points their work is worth.
Assignments can be assigned to everyone in the course or differentiated by user.
Teaching and Learning
Related Dashboards / Reports for Assignments (Canvas)
Multiple visualizations are in this workbook. Each provides a unique function related to the schedule of classes and a different way to look at the data.
An adult working or volunteering in a youth activity or third-party youth activity who has been authorized to interact with youth participants following completion of screening and training requirements but is not authorized to provide custodial care.
UW–Madison youth programs and activities require all staff, including employees, volunteers, and contractors, to complete specific trainings before working with youth. This workbook tracks the completion of required trainings by these individuals.
An adult working or volunteering in a youth activity or third-party youth activity who has been authorized to provide custodial care following completion of screening and training requirements.
UW–Madison youth programs and activities require all staff, including employees, volunteers, and contractors, to complete specific trainings before working with youth. This workbook tracks the completion of required trainings by these individuals.
The adult responsible for the operation of a youth activity or third-party youth activity and compliance with this policy. Authorized custodians are authorized to provide custodial care following completion of screening and training requirements.
UW–Madison youth programs and activities require all staff, including employees, volunteers, and contractors, to complete specific trainings before working with youth. This workbook tracks the completion of required trainings by these individuals.
Multiple visualizations are in this workbook. Each provides a unique function related to the schedule of classes and a different way to look at the data.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
This workbook describes adjustments to base compensation rates for UW-Madison employees. The employee population represented includes Faculty, Academic Staff, Limited, and University Staff. The period covered includes the current fiscal year through the current fiscal month as well as the past four fiscal years.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
The number and percentage of bachelor's degree recipients who completed UW-Madison courses is shown by major, school/college, admit type, tuition residency and semester type (when the course was taken).
Sex assigned at birth, for example as displayed on a person’s birth certificate. This is considered personal health information, only relevant to medical professionals, and therefore should NOT be collected as institutional data.
The breadth attribute assigned to the course by the Letters and Science (L&S) Curriculum Committee. Possible values are B (Biological Science), H (Humanities), L (Literature), N (Natural Science), P (Physical Science), S (Social Science), X (H or N), Z (H or S), W (S or N).
This IDE provides a list of courses taken by one or more selected students, which can be filtered by dimensions such as School/College of Course or Course Level.
Courses in UW-Madison's Course Catalog have been approved by the University Curriculum Committee and are available for scheduling. Information about these courses include the course subject listings, departments, and school/colleges that offer these courses; course attributes related to general education, breadth, level, and applicability to graduate programs; as well as information about crosslisting and when courses were last taught and their approved learning outcomes.
This interactive data visualization provides data trends for each division and department across 7 topic areas, including: Credit Allocation, Student Enrollments, Degrees/Certificates, Faculty Roster, Payroll, Budget, and Research Awards.
The email address designated by an employee in HRS and used by HRS for business purposes. At UW-Madison, this email address is synchronized with the DoIT primary email address. See Email Address (DoIT), Bus Email (HRS).
Employee Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Business Email Address (HRS)
This workbook identifies individuals that have attended training in the OHR Registration System for help in reporting training for Learning and Talent Development courses
This workbook describes UW-Madison employee reporting relationships based on the 'Reports To' field in HRS. Two lookup paths are provided: supervisor to employee and employee to supervisor. Filters enable reduction by division, department, sub-department and employee/supervisor name. An active/inactive/missing status filter enables identification of missing and inactive supervisor/employee relationships.
This workbook identifies individuals who have completed the Graduate Assistants’ Equity Workshops. The data presented in this workbook is used by various departments to ensure training completion by their teaching assistants.
A list of individuals required to complete the Responsible Employee Training (formerly Title IX Responsible Employee Training) and the completion status of each.
This workbook serves as a tool to showcase the list of stewards and divisional approvers for the InfoAccess Authorization app. The app facilitates a workflow that enables UW-Madison staff to request access to specific data views within the InfoAccess data warehouse.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
This workbook exports a file listing student assistant appointments (PA, RA, TA, & LSA) that may qualify the graduate or professional student holding the appointment for tuition remission. Query output is limited to active A & C-basis appointments where the employed student has a minimum total FTE of 33% for all appointments in the term selected. Data reflect the most recent action and action effective date in HRS at the time the query is run.
This Tableau workbook provides faculty salary data by department (including gender, faculty rank and years since degree) to assist in determining whether faculty members are appropriately and equitably paid in comparison to peers at UW-Madison.
A six-digit code assigned to plans using the federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) taxonomy. The code assignment is coordinated during the governance process. Codes are in the XX.YYZZ format where XX denotes the broadest disciplinary area (i.e. Biological Sciences), YY indicates a diciplinary area within the XX (i.e. Botany) and ZZ indicates a specialty within the XX.YY area (i.e. Plant Pathology).
This visualization provides data on the number of awards completed by students at four-year, degree-granting institutions in the United States that participate in or are eligible to participate in any federal student financial assistance program authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
This data can be disaggregated by federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code and award level, e.g., bachelor's, master's. It can be used to compare academic program arrays across institutions.
Includes details of the CIP Code assignment and change process, current CIP Code assignments for UW-Madison degree-majors and certificates, all CIP Codes relevant to public research universities, and eligibility for the federal STEM-OPT program which is based on CIP Code assignments. See the additional information section below for general information about CIP codes, their structure, and their uses.
Includes details of the CIP Code assignment and change process, current CIP Code assignments for UW-Madison degree-majors and certificates, all CIP Codes relevant to public research universities, and eligibility for the federal STEM-OPT program which is based on CIP Code assignments. See the additional information section below for general information about CIP codes, their structure, and their uses.
This workbook provides information about the mathematics requirements for UW-Madison bachelor's degree majors. This workbook is intended to compare degree majors to each other and illustrate general mathematics requirements. Specific mathematics requirements for each major can be found in the Guide (https://guide.wisc.edu/undergraduate/) under the requirements tab for each degree major.
Includes details of the CIP Code assignment and change process, current CIP Code assignments for UW-Madison degree-majors and certificates, all CIP Codes relevant to public research universities, and eligibility for the federal STEM-OPT program which is based on CIP Code assignments. See the additional information section below for general information about CIP codes, their structure, and their uses.
Includes details of the CIP Code assignment and change process, current CIP Code assignments for UW-Madison degree-majors and certificates, all CIP Codes relevant to public research universities, and eligibility for the federal STEM-OPT program which is based on CIP Code assignments. See the additional information section below for general information about CIP codes, their structure, and their uses.
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students.
This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).
This IDE provides a count of courses taken by subject, academic plan type, and academic plan, based on user-defined filters. The results also contain campus IDs of students in each subject and plan.
This IDE provides a list of courses taken by one or more selected students, which can be filtered by dimensions such as School/College of Course or Course Level.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels for students included in user-submitted batches of degree audits. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
This workbook exports a file listing student assistant appointments (PA, RA, TA, & LSA) that may qualify the graduate or professional student holding the appointment for tuition remission. Query output is limited to active A & C-basis appointments where the employed student has a minimum total FTE of 33% for all appointments in the term selected. Data reflect the most recent action and action effective date in HRS at the time the query is run.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file containing results of a query of the student directory. It has contact information for students registered in the last two terms, the current term, and up to two future terms. Students with FERPA holds are not omitted from this workbook. The Ferpa Flag field indicates which students have withheld their information from public release.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Enrolled Students' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics by Funding Level' tabs of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
This Tableau workbook provides charts and tables of non-pooled tuition revenue and students as of the summer of 2013 (fiscal year 2013-14). Users have multiple options for filtering data such as academic plan and subplan, tuition residency, term and item type. Data download options include images, text files, crosstabs and PDFs.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing two tabs of results. The first is a query of students enrolled in Graduate School research doctoral programs (PhD & DMA) and the second is a query of students that have completed at least one graduate program milestone. Optional filters provide the opportunity to specify specific milestones, plans, and advisors.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This workbook provides a list of students enrolled in programs (plan/subplan) with non-pooled tuition. Before extending offers for positions with graduate fee remissions, departments should consult this listing to make sure the candidate is not on this list. Searchable fields include name, SIS emplid, and campus id.
This workbook includes two tables showing the completion status of curricular requirements at different levels. The third tab is an exporter that includes additional data.
This IDE provides a list of advisees, courses, grades any academic actions for the prior two terms based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the prior two terms for students who were active/enrolled in the defined terms.
A filterable list of students enrolled within the current term, two future terms, and two past terms, who have had an academic action taken on their student record.
This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.
The invalidation of an invoice when an error has been made on the bill. Examples include incorrect customer, contact, or location defined on the bill or a duplicate bill already invoiced.
Related Dashboards / Reports for Cancellation (Accounts Receivable)
This dashboard summarizes and displays Accounts Receivable data received from Accounting Services at the Division of Business Services. This includes adjustments and cancellations, as well as write-offs. A fiscal year-over-year comparison is also available. Data is currently updated on an Excel sheet in Box and is not refreshed automatically.
A broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions.
Academic Planning, Student Record
Related Dashboards / Reports for Career (Academic Structure)
This IDE provides a count of courses taken by subject, academic plan type, and academic plan, based on user-defined filters. The results also contain campus IDs of students in each subject and plan.
This IDE provides a list of courses taken by one or more selected students, which can be filtered by dimensions such as School/College of Course or Course Level.
This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.
This workbook provides information about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison's academic structure.
This Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) exports publicly accessible student directory information to Excel for operational use. Campus IDs can be input to get a contact list for a specific group of students.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to current and formerly enrolled student's time to degree, completion status, and supplemental program information.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Admissions' section of the 'Graduate School Explorer' visualization. It provides information on graduate admissions by providing relevant columns related to an applicant, the applicant's program, and the applicant's admission status.
This workbook presents select graduate program statistics to support annual Graduate Research Scholar Community reports. More information on the GRS Fellowships and Communities can be found at https://kb.wisc.edu/grad/33338.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic characteristics of applicants and enrolled students, as well as providing data related to funding, time-to-degree, and completion rates.
Filter controls apply to each dashboard individually and should be reapplied when changing dashboards. Each dashboard allows for comparison between the program and the larger GRS community to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels.
Lists UW-Madison advisors designated in SIS and the advisees assigned to them. Graduate and undergraduate advisees can be filtered by Plan, Career, Award Category, Advisee Program and Last Term Enrolled.
This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing the results of a query of the Advisor Notes System (ANS). Users can set filters/limits to obtain the meta-data around documented contacts entered into the ANS for a desired population of students or for an individual student based on the filters selected.
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission.
Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers.
This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information.
Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.
This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.
This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.
This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort.
This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.
The employment sector associated with the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science (CNGLS) taxonomy. Sectors include:
1. Academia: Academic institutions of higher education, including colleges, universities, some medical centers, or free-standing research institutions where training occurs.
2. Government: Any organization operated by federal, state, local or foreign governments.
3. For-Profit: Any organization that operates to make a profit, including some industry research.
4. Nonprofit: Any non-governmental organization that does not operate to make a profit.
5. Other: Includes unemployed, full-time caretaker or parent, on extended medical leave or employed at an organization not included in other options.
UW Madison Enterprise
Related Dashboards / Reports for Career Sector (CNGLS)
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
A classification framework for U.S. postsecondary education institutions first developed by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education in 1970. The framework is widely used in postsecondary research and policy fields to differentiate types of institutions within the American higher education sector. Detailed information on the basic framework is at https://carnegieclassifications.iu.edu/classification_descriptions/basic.php.
UW Madison Enterprise
Related Dashboards / Reports for Carnegie Classification
This Tableau workbook exports a file containing annual employment records of UW-Madison graduate degree program program alumni. Records are collected each year from publicly available web sources.
The set of visualizations provides information about courses transferred to UW-Madison and how those courses were evaluated as part of the course transfer process.
This workbook exports an Excel file containing results of a query of instructors who taught courses based on instructor ID, term, course ID, and other user-defined filters.
This IDE provides a list of courses taken by one or more selected students, which can be filtered by dimensions such as School/College of Course or Course Level.