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Student Campus Climate Survey Results (2021)

Last Updated

Results from the student campus climate survey are disaggregated by the student's school/college, the department home of their major(s), and by several demographic characteristics.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Student Record, UW Madison Enterprise
Access Restrictions
Specific / Limited Audience
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Campus Climate Survey (based on student population enrolled in fall 2021 provided by the Office of the Registrar).
Update Schedule
No scheduled updates
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
Important Notes

The Graduate School is also a school/college home for some graduate students. In Fall 2021 there were 11 students in graduate programs housed in the Graduate School. None of these students responded to the 2021 climate survey so the Graduate School does not appear in the school/college filter.

The following variables were asked of students rather than taken from administrative records that are already defined.

1. Gender - available selections were Man, Nonbinary/Gender not Listed, Woman to the question 'What is your gender?'

2. Transgender Status - available selections were Yes or No to the question 'Are you transgender?'

3. LGBTQ+ Status - available selections were Yes or No to the question 'Do you identify as part of an LGBTQ+ community?'

4. Religious views - available selections to the question 'With which of the following religions or spiritual affiliations do you identify?' include: Atheist/Agnostic/None (Only), Buddhist (Only), Christian (Only), Hindu (Only), Jewish (Only), Muslim (Only), Other/Multifaith.

5. Political views - available selections to the question 'In terms of political views, would you say you are....' include: Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, Other/None.

6. Disability Status - available selections were Yes or No to the question 'Do you identify as a person with a disability?'

7. Veteran Status - available selections were Yes or No to the question 'Have you ever served in the United States Armed Forces, Military Reserves, or National Guard?'

8. First Generation College - available selections were Yes or No to the question 'Do you have at least one parent or guardian who raised you who completed a bachelor's degree?'


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Level

Indicates whether a student is an undergraduate, graduate or professional, or special student. For undergraduates, students are freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior based on accumulated credits, not the duration of time at the University.

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Department of Major

The department that has ownership of the major, or pre-major. In cases where no major is declared, "School/College of Student" is displayed.

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Full-Time/Part-Time Student Status

Full-time/part-time student status is based on credit load and varies by course of study. Undergraduate and special students are full-time if they are enrolled in 12 or more credits; part-time if they are enrolled in fewer than 12 credits. Most master's and research doctorate students are full-time if they are enrolled in 8 or more credits; part-time if they are enrolled in fewer than 8 credits.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
International Students

Non-immigrant visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Race/Ethnicity (Federal)

The methodology specified by the federal government for classifying individuals' self-reported race/ethnicity into a single race/ethnicity category. An individual who self-reports as Hispanic ethnicity is classified as Hispanic even if other racial identities are provided. Individuals who do not self-report as Hispanic are classified in their single race category if only one race was provided, or in a "2 or more races" category if more than one race is provided. Student race/ethnicity only applies to domestic (non-international) students.

Employee Record, Student Record
School/College of Student

The student's primary school/college. Some students have a second major or pursue a certificate in another school/college.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Student Age Age of a student as of the start of the term. Student Record
Term Admit Type

Indicates whether a student is a continuing, readmitted, reentry/transfer, new freshman, new transfer, or other new student in that term, except students who start as new freshmen in summer are shown as new freshmen in the following fall too, if enrolled.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tuition Residency

The residency status of a student for tuition purposes. Some non-resident students from Minnesota ("Minnesota Compact" students) pay tuition based on a legal agreement between the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

University of Wisconsin - Madison