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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

Tuition Residency


The residency status of a student for tuition purposes. Some non-resident students from Minnesota ("Minnesota Compact" students) pay tuition based on a legal agreement between the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

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University of Wisconsin - Madison

Related Dashboards

Name Type Description Responsible Office Data Domain Classification Access Restrictions Last Updated
Course Undergraduate Enrollment Snapshot
viz thumbnail for Course Undergraduate Enrollment Snapshot
Interactive Data Visualization

This Tableau workbook provides snapshot data on undergraduates enrolled in the current and prior two terms. Data can be viewed at the section, course, and subject level. All enrollment figures are combined course enrollment.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 04/13/2023
Bachelor's Alumni in the USA
Interactive Data Visualization

This Tableau workbook visualizes the geographic distribution of alumni who earned a bachelor's degree from UW-Madison in the last 20 years. Alumni can be filtered by school/college and tuition residency as students.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Public Publicly Available 04/01/2024
Trends in Student Enrollments
Interactive Data Visualization

Student enrollments in majors, named options, certificates, and doctoral minors awarded by UW-Madison can be disaggregated by degree level, school/college, department, and major for all terms since summer 2000 in which data is available. Student demographic information is provided, including gender, full-time/part-time status, residency status, federal racial/ethnic category, international status, and term admit type.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Public Publicly Available 07/03/2024
Tuition Monitoring Detail for Non-Pooled Operations
viz thumbnail for Tuition Monitoring Detail for Non-Pooled Operations
Interactive Data Visualization

This Tableau workbook provides charts and tables of non-pooled tuition revenue and students as of the summer of 2013 (fiscal year 2013-14). Users have multiple options for filtering data such as academic plan and subplan, tuition residency, term and item type. Data download options include images, text files, crosstabs and PDFs.

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Madison Budget Office Budget Restricted Specific / Limited Audience
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Course Demographics Profile
viz thumbnail for Course Demographics Profile
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook shows the percentage of enrolled students by course section by gender, aggregated race/ethnicity, tuition residency, and first generation status. These variables are of interest for assessment and curricular planning purposes.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning, Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Courses Completed by Bachelor's Degree Recipients
viz thumbnail for Courses Completed by Bachelor's Degree Recipients
Interactive Data Visualization

The number and percentage of bachelor's degree recipients who completed UW-Madison courses is shown by major, school/college, admit type, tuition residency and semester type (when the course was taken).

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Intended to Graduation Major Flows
viz thumbnail for Intended to Graduation Major Flows
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook is intended to address questions about the degree to which students' intended majors are accurate predictors of their eventual graduation majors. The accuracy of a student's intended major has implications for enrollment and curricular planning, advising, staffing, and the provision of other academic services.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning, Admissions, Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Student Campus Climate Survey Results (2021)
viz thumbnail for Student Campus Climate Survey Results (2021)
Interactive Data Visualization

Results from the student campus climate survey are disaggregated by the student's school/college, the department home of their major(s), and by several demographic characteristics.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record, UW Madison Enterprise Internal Specific / Limited Audience
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Undergraduate Time-to-Degree and Peer Comparison Data
viz thumbnail for Undergraduate Time-to-Degree and Peer Comparison Data
Interactive Data Visualization

Includes time-to-degree, measured in elapsed calendar years, for bachelors degree recipients by major and by several demographic categories. Time-to-degree for similar majors at public peer institutions is also provided.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Tuition and Fee Rates for Academic Programs
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook shows the full tuition schedule and tuition structures used by UW-Madison programs. The tuition structure and rates depend on the degree-level of the program, it's school/college, and several other factors. Because of this complexity users are able to select an academic program and see the tuition structure it uses and the rates associated with it.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning, UW Madison Enterprise Public Publicly Available 11/06/2024
Historical Student Demographics IDE
viz thumbnail for Historical Student Demographics IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of students with demographic information filtered by the user.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Student Demographics IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Demographics IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of students with demographic information filtered by the user.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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UW-Madison Enrollment Report - Preliminary
Interactive Data Visualization

Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/10/2025
UW-Madison Enrollment Report
Interactive Data Visualization

Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/20/2025