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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Tuition Monitoring Detail for Non-Pooled Operations

Last Updated

This Tableau workbook provides charts and tables of non-pooled tuition revenue and students as of the summer of 2013 (fiscal year 2013-14). Users have multiple options for filtering data such as academic plan and subplan, tuition residency, term and item type. Data download options include images, text files, crosstabs and PDFs.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
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Specific / Limited Audience
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Responsible Office
Madison Budget Office
Important Notes

This Tableau workbook uses data from the InfoAccess data warehouse view 'Bursar_Assessed_Tuition'. The data refreshes Monday morning at 7:30 AM based on data through the prior Friday. The amounts in these charts reflect totals of non-pooled tuition through the end of each fiscal year. The data view for this workbook does not capture changes after that point in time. (This workbook does not include data related to the campus and summer budget models, special course fees and miscellaneous revenues.) The workbook security is set based on the first four digits of the user's program department. More information can be found at


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Account Code

A code assigned to classify each transaction on the general ledger (e.g., asset, liability, revenue, expense).

Assessed Amount (Tuition and Fees)

The total amount of tuition and fees charged to a student.

Campus ID

This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).

Student Record
Class (Building) (Accounting)

A code assigned to specify which campus building if needed (e.g. maintenance).

Department ID (Accounting)

A 6 digit code to represent an organizational unit.

Fiscal Year

A period that an organization uses for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements. For the university, the fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30 (i.e., FY2016 = July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). Summer is the first term in the university fiscal year.

Fund (Accounting)

Also known as appropriation, this is a 3 digit number set up by the Legislature to define the funding source and transactions that can be attributed to it.

Funding String

A comprehensive account structure that supports GAAP and GASB financial reporting, internal financial reporting, and account reconciliation. UW Madison's funding string includes: Fund, Program, Department ID, Project, Class (Building), and Account Code.


SIS personal identifier. It is also called a "student Empl ID." The ID will never be changed throughout the individual's relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus ID. This is not the same as HR ID or the ID field from HRS or the Empl ID from HRS.

Student Record
Item Type

A 12-digit number assigned in the Student Information System (SIS) Student Financials to identify a funding string for a specific type of accounting transaction. This is also called the item type number.

Item Type Description

An explanation up to 30 characters assigned in the Student Information System (SIS) Student Financials to identify what an item type number represents.

Net Assessed Tuition

The assessed tuition amount minus any waived amount. This is the amount of tuition that the university expects to collect.

Non-pooled Tuition

Tuition that directly supports an organizational unit instead of being combined with other revenues for general support of the institution.

Program (Accounting)

A code assigned to classify institutional activities in accordance with NACUBO.

Project (Accounting)

A code assigned to further specify limitations/classifications on use of funds if needed (e.g., grants).

Term Code

A four-digit Student Information System (SIS) numeric representation for the academic term.

Academic Planning, Employee Record, Finance, Student Record
Third Party Deferred Amount

The amount of tuition and fees that is charged or deferred to an organization (internal or external) who is responsible for part or all of a student's tuition and fee assessment. This is also called a third party deferral.

Third Party Paid Amount

The amount of money collected from an organization that is responsible for part or all of a student's tuition and fee assessment. This does not include amounts that are set up in the Student Information System Student Financials as scholarships.

Total Paid Amount (Tuition and Fees)

The amount of money collected. It does not include amounts on a student account that are deferred or charged to a third party.

Tuition Residency

The residency status of a student for tuition purposes. Some non-resident students from Minnesota ("Minnesota Compact" students) pay tuition based on a legal agreement between the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Unpaid Amount (Tuition and Fees)

The amount of tuition and fees that needs to be received. It is calculated as the assessed amount minus the total paid amount minus the waived amount.

Waived Amount (Tuition and Fees)

The value of a waiver or remission that has been applied to a student account.

Waiver (Tuition and fees)

The amount of assessed tuition and fees that will not be owed by a student or a third party on behalf of the student per State of Wisconsin statutes or University of Wisconsin System policy.
