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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Trends in Student Enrollments

Last Updated

Student enrollments in majors, named options, certificates, and doctoral minors awarded by UW-Madison can be disaggregated by degree level, school/college, department, and major for all terms since summer 2000 in which data is available. Student demographic information is provided, including gender, full-time/part-time status, residency status, federal racial/ethnic category, international status, and term admit type.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Student Record
Access Restrictions
Publicly Available
Data Source Information
Data View Information
UW.FROZEN_ENROLLMENT and associated for enrollments. UW.STDNT_ETHNIC_REPORTING for race/ethnicity. DM.ACAD_STRUCTURE and associated for current plans. UW.FROZEN_ACAD_PLAN_ATTRIBUTES and associated for historical plans.
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
Important Notes

All dashboards within this visualization provide a count of unique students within the selected population. As a result, students enrolled in more than one of the selected majors will be counted only once. This may result in apparent differences between the number of students reported when selecting a set of majors one at a time and when selecting the same majors all at once.

For a given major, all dashboards within this visualization display data only for terms when:

     (1) the major was active; and b) students were eligible to enroll in the major; or

     (2) students were enrolled in the major.

Terms when a major met the criteria in (1) but had no enrollments display with zero enrollments, while terms when the major did not meet the criteria in either (1) or (2) are not displayed.

This specification relies on 'frozen' tables that take a data snap-shot at a specific time. In this 'frozen' data source, data on enrollments in Named Options was first collected beginning in Fall 2015 and data on enrollment in Certificates was first collected in Spring 2008. As a result, for these topics data from terms prior to this are not displayed in this visualization.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Level

Indicates whether a student is an undergraduate, graduate or professional, or special student. For undergraduates, students are freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior based on accumulated credits, not the duration of time at the University.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Certificate-Seeking Students

The subset of enrolled students pursuing a course of study that leads to an undergraduate certificate, a capstone certificate, or a graduate or professional certificate. A certificate-seeking student may or may not also be a degree-seeking student.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Degree Level of Major

Indicates, for degree-seeking students, whether the student's course of study leads to a bachelor's degree, master's degree, research doctorate, or clinical doctorate.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Degree-Seeking Students

The subset of enrolled students pursuing a course of study that leads to a degree. A degree-seeking student may or may not also be a certificate-seeking student.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Department of Certificate

The department that has ownership of the certificate.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Department of Major

The department that has ownership of the major, or pre-major. In cases where no major is declared, "School/College of Student" is displayed.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Full-Time/Part-Time Student Status

Full-time/part-time student status is based on credit load and varies by course of study. Undergraduate and special students are full-time if they are enrolled in 12 or more credits; part-time if they are enrolled in fewer than 12 credits. Most master's and research doctorate students are full-time if they are enrolled in 8 or more credits; part-time if they are enrolled in fewer than 8 credits.

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International Students

Non-immigrant visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes.

University of Wisconsin - Madison

A binary "Male" or "Female" gender, based on what the individual has reported to the University.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Named Option

A named option is a formally documented sub-major within an academic major program.

Academic Planning, Student Record
School/College of Certificate

The school/college that has ownership of the certificate.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
School/College of Major

Indicates the school/college that has ownership of the major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
School/College of Student

The student's primary school/college. Some students have a second major or pursue a certificate in another school/college.

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Any person who is enrolled for study at UW-Madison for a specified academic period.

Student Record

A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Term Admit Type

Indicates whether a student is a continuing, readmitted, reentry/transfer, new freshman, new transfer, or other new student in that term, except students who start as new freshmen in summer are shown as new freshmen in the following fall too, if enrolled.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tuition Residency

The residency status of a student for tuition purposes. Some non-resident students from Minnesota ("Minnesota Compact" students) pay tuition based on a legal agreement between the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

University of Wisconsin - Madison