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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

Academic Award School/College


School or college of the academic award. In general, each academic award is associated with a unique academic plan, and each academic plan is part of a unique academic program, and every academic program is associated with a unique school or college. "MSN"/"UW-Madison" is used when an academic award has no school or college associated with it (such as an individualized major or special graduate committee award) or for an additional major.

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Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record

Related Dashboards

Name Type Description Responsible Office Data Domain Classification Access Restrictions Last Updated
Courses by Academic Awards IDE
viz thumbnail for Courses by Academic Awards IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A listing of course enrollments, aggregated by academic plan information.

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Office of the Registrar Academic Planning, Student Record Internal Student Record Data Internal
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Study Abroad Students IDE
viz thumbnail for Study Abroad Students IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of students detailing study abroad information for both current and historical terms.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Courses Completed to Satisfy Undergraduate College/Univ Requirements
viz thumbnail for Courses Completed to Satisfy Undergraduate College/Univ Requirements
Interactive Data Visualization

This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their College/University Degree Requirements, including General Education Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to College/University Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.

Additional Info
AIM, College of Letters and Science Academic Planning, Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 08/30/2022
Bachelor's Alumni in the USA
Interactive Data Visualization

This Tableau workbook visualizes the geographic distribution of alumni who earned a bachelor's degree from UW-Madison in the last 20 years. Alumni can be filtered by school/college and tuition residency as students.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Public Publicly Available 04/01/2024
Doctoral Career Outcomes
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment UW Madison Enterprise Public Publicly Available 08/19/2024
Courses Completed to Satisfy Undergraduate Major Requirements
viz thumbnail for Courses Completed to Satisfy Undergraduate Major Requirements
Interactive Data Visualization

This visualization provides information about how and when undergraduates completed their Major Requirements. It provides data about course counts and Time to Degree for graduates since Summer 2013, according to Major Requirement and Sub-requirement, as well as data about when in their careers at UW-Madison students completed those courses and Requirements/Sub-requirements.

Additional Info
AIM, College of Letters and Science Academic Planning, Student Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/06/2024
Mathematics Requirements for Bachelor's Degree Majors
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook provides information about the mathematics requirements for UW-Madison bachelor's degree majors. This workbook is intended to compare degree majors to each other and illustrate general mathematics requirements. Specific mathematics requirements for each major can be found in the Guide ( under the requirements tab for each degree major.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning Public Publicly Available 11/06/2024
Student Academic Awards IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Academic Awards IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of academic awards conferred to students.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Graduate School Explorer
viz thumbnail for Graduate School Explorer
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization reports student metrics over the past ten years for degree programs in the graduate career. It provides information on student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes.

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Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Doctoral Minors and Grad or Prof Certs IDE
viz thumbnail for Doctoral Minors and Grad or Prof Certs IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

This Institutional Data Exporter provides four tabs of data output. The first is for doctoral minor enrollments; the second is for graduate and professional certificate enrollments; the third is for doctoral minors awarded; and the fourth is for graduate and professional certificates awarded. Supplemental degree and primary academic program data is also included to provide additional context. Filtering can be done by a list of Campus IDs, Enrollment Terms, Award Completion Terms, Academic Structure, and/or Primary Academic Program Academic Structure.

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Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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