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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Student Academic Awards IDE

Last Updated

A list of academic awards conferred to students.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Student Record
Access Restrictions
Student Record Data Restricted
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Data refreshes weekday mornings.
Responsible Office
Office of the Registrar


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Award Completion Term

The academic term in which an academic award was granted.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Level Academic degree level corresponding to an academic award, i.e. bachelor's, master's, professional, doctoral, and other. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Plan Academic plan corresponding to an academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Plan Code Name of the plan code associated with the award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Plan Type Academic plan type corresponding to an academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Program Academic program associated to the academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award School/College

School or college of the academic award. In general, each academic award is associated with a unique academic plan, and each academic plan is part of a unique academic program, and every academic program is associated with a unique school or college. "MSN"/"UW-Madison" is used when an academic award has no school or college associated with it (such as an individualized major or special graduate committee award) or for an additional major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Subplan Code The academic subplan associated with the academic plan associated to the academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Type

Academic award type designates awards as degrees, additional majors, certificates, or teacher certification.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Subplan

An academic subplan distinguishes a strand of activity within an academic plan or type of major. Can be a named option or honors in a major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Campus ID

This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).

Student Record
Cumulative GPA

The grade point average for all courses completed for an A-F grade at UW-Madison within a career; cumulative grade points divided by cumulative credits taken for GPA.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Student Name

Student's preferred name (Last, First, Middle). Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.

Academic Planning, Student Record