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Courses by Academic Awards IDE

Last Updated

A listing of course enrollments, aggregated by academic plan information.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record
Access Restrictions
Student Record Data Internal
Data Source Information
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Update Schedule
Data refreshes weekday mornings.
Responsible Office
Office of the Registrar
Important Notes

Includes information from terms starting in Summer 1985 (0856).


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Award Category

Indicates the level and type of award granted to a student who graduates in a given plan code. For example, Bachelor's, Master's, Research Doctorate, Clinical Doctorate, Undergraduate Certificate, Capstone Certificate.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Completion Term

The academic term in which an academic award was granted.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Formal Description

Credential that is awarded upon the completion of an academic plan.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Program Academic program associated to the academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award School/College

School or college of the academic award. In general, each academic award is associated with a unique academic plan, and each academic plan is part of a unique academic program, and every academic program is associated with a unique school or college. "MSN"/"UW-Madison" is used when an academic award has no school or college associated with it (such as an individualized major or special graduate committee award) or for an additional major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Subplan Code The academic subplan associated with the academic plan associated to the academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Subplan Description The name of the academic subplan associated with the academic plan associated to the academic award. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Type

Academic award type designates awards as degrees, additional majors, certificates, or teacher certification.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Catalog Number

A code associated with a course in the course catalog.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Course Title

The official name of the course.

Academic Planning

SIS personal identifier. It is also called a "student Empl ID." The ID will never be changed throughout the individual's relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus ID. This is not the same as HR ID or the ID field from HRS or the Empl ID from HRS.

Student Record

A grouping of courses, approved by faculty governance, within related academic areas.

University of Wisconsin - Madison

A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer.

University of Wisconsin - Madison