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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Overview of Sponsored Programs

Last Updated

Shows proposal and award counts and values over time, and can be used to compare colleges and schools.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Finance, Research Administration
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Manual data updates as of now.
Responsible Office
Research and Sponsored Programs
Important Notes

Proposal College/School classification based on proposal's Administering Department, as indicated in WISPER and RAMP.

Proposals are considered submitted on the date they are marked as 'Sent to Sponsor' in WISPER and 'Proposal Date Submitted' in RAMP.

Award College/School classification based Award Department, as indicated in WISDM and RAMP.

Awards are credited as being issued when sponsor-obligated funding is logged in SFS.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Extramural Award

A funding mechanism between the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and a sponsor whereby the sponsor commits funding to the University for a specific scope of work and for a specific time-period.

Finance, Research Administration
Extramural Proposal

A request for external funding prepared in accordance with the sponsor's instructions. The proposal is an official record of what is promised to a sponsor by the University in return for the funding requested in the proposal budget.

Research Administration
Extramural Proposal Type

The type of agreement used to transmit extramural support to the University. Examples include Cooperative Agreement, Cost Reimbursable Contract, Fixed Price Contract, and Grant. Typically entered into the UW-Madison financial system at the time of proposal submission.

Research Administration
Extramural Sponsor

An external entity committing a specific level of funding to the University for a specific Scope of Work for a specific time-period.

Research Administration
Extramural Subaward

An award provided by a pass-through (prime recipient) entity to a subrecipient for the subrecipient to carry out part of an award received by the pass-through entity. Sometimes referred to as "consortium".

Research Administration
Extramural Support

Financial and in-kind contributions provided by an entity other than the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Research Administration
Regent Category

The UW-System Regent Category defines the purpose of extramurally supported awards received. At the time of award acceptance the appropriate regent category is identified for reporting purposes. The UW-System Regent Categories are Instruction, Libraries, Physical Plant, Public Service, Research, Student Aid, and Miscellaneous.

Research Administration