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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

School or College


Those faculty units headed by a dean. The dean is the chief executive officer of the school or college, and is appointed by the chancellor under search and screen procedures as set forth in 6.49. The dean must hold a tenured faculty rank as set forth in Chapter 7 of these rules. Other subunits of the university that include the term "school" in their titles are not considered schools for purposes of this chapter; they may be designated by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, as equivalent to departments for any or all of the purposes described in Chapter 5. A school or college shall be created or discontinued, or the name of an existing school or college changed, by the chancellor after consultation with the University Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. Creation of a school or college with academic programs at the post-baccalaureate graduate or professional level is also subject to the approval of the legislature. Recommendations concerning these matters shall be reported to the faculties of the schools or colleges directly affected and to the senate for discussion.

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Academic Planning, Employee Record, Research Administration, Student Record

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Lumen Tools
viz thumbnail for Lumen Tools
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook provides information about current activity in the Lumen system. Lumen is the gateway for faculty, curricular representatives, and governance bodies to update, track, and approve functions related to courses, curriculum and programs. Details about each visualization are below:

Course Proposals: shows all course proposals currently in progress with filters related to the course owner and where the proposal is in the governance approval process.

Program Proposals: shows all program proposals currently in progress with filters related to the program owner, the type of proposal and where it is in the governance approval and publication process.

Red Box: shows programs that utilize courses that may need resolution in one or more of the following: inactivation/discontinuation of a course; change of subject; change of catalog number; or new/unapproved course. These items, if not resolved, will result in the software using a 'red-box' around the subject and catalog number combination indicating there is an issue with the course as entered.

Lumen/Guide Roles Directory: lists all Lumen/Guide workflow roles and their members filterable by school/college, department and role type. Includes identifiers for who is a chair or dean and which members are no longer employed by the university.

Obsolete Course Proposal Process: shows all courses identified as obsolete per policy in progress for the current academic year and where the proposal is in the governance process. Includes filters for school/college/division, department, subject or crosslist, course title, and waiver status.

Suspended/Discontinued Programs: tracks academic programs (plans and subplans) that are in the process of being discontinued. Intended for the purpose of aiding schools and colleges with the processes necessary to close down a program.

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Academic Planning and Institutional Research Academic Planning Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 09/12/2022
Postdocs at UW-Madison
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization provides information on the background characteristics of postdocs at UW-Madison, their average time spent in postdoctoral training, and their employment outcomes after leaving their postdoc appointment at UW-Madison. It was developed as part of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science initiative (CNGLS). UW-Madison is a founding member of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science, which includes 55 national research universities and schools of medicine. The Coalition seeks to improve transparency related to career prospects and opportunities for life sciences trainees, including both graduate students and postdocs.

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Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Employee Record Public Publicly Available 09/19/2023
Trends in Degrees and Related Data
Interactive Data Visualization

Degrees, named options, certificates, and doctoral minors awarded by UW-Madison since summer 1999 can be disaggregated by degree level, school/college, department, and major. Degree recipient demographic information is provided, including gender, student of color status, underrepresented student of color status, and international status.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Student Record Public Publicly Available 07/03/2024
Trends in Faculty Salaries at UW-Madison and Official Peer Institutions
Interactive Data Visualization

This visualization provides average faculty salaries at UW-Madison and official salary peer institutions beginning with 2018-19. It also shows the percentage gap between UW-Madison and peer schools/colleges and departments. Users can see the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code used to match departments across institutions in each year.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Employee Record, UW Madison Enterprise Restricted Specific / Limited Audience
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Imaged Academic Planning Documents
viz thumbnail for Imaged Academic Planning Documents
Interactive Data Visualization

Provides access sorted by school/college, department, plan code, or subject.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Student Credit Hours by School, College and Department
viz thumbnail for Student Credit Hours by School, College and Department
Interactive Data Visualization

This is a visualization of student credit hours using the Credits Follow the Instructor (CFI) data system which apportions course credits to the section level and then attributes course section credits to the academic unit funding the instructor. This attribution is often different than the academic unit that coordinates the course subject listing(s). The number of student credits hours, the change from previous like semesters, and the relationship between funding department and subject listing(s) are all provided. Student credit hours for fall and spring semesters between fall 2014 and fall 2023 are included.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning, Employee Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
UW-Madison's Course Catalog
viz thumbnail for UW-Madison's Course Catalog
Interactive Data Visualization

Courses in UW-Madison's Course Catalog have been approved by the University Curriculum Committee and are available for scheduling. Information about these courses include the course subject listings, departments, and school/colleges that offer these courses; course attributes related to general education, breadth, level, and applicability to graduate programs; as well as information about crosslisting and when courses were last taught and their approved learning outcomes.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning Public Publicly Available 11/01/2024
L&S Undergraduate Degree Clearance Deficiency Report
viz thumbnail for L&S Undergraduate Degree Clearance Deficiency Report
Tabular Report

This report provides Campus IDs, Names, Majors, and Email Addresses of College of Letters and Science Undergraduate students who have applied for graduation in a particular term but who are either not on track to graduate with in-progress work (Pre-Clearance Deficiencies) or were not cleared for graduation during the degree clearance process (Degree Clearance Deficiencies).  It also provides information about unresolved grades of these students.

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AIM, College of Letters and Science Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Student Academic Actions IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Academic Actions IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A filterable list of students enrolled within the current term, two future terms, and two past terms, who have had an academic action taken on their student record.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Department Planning Profiles: Faculty Roster
Interactive Data Visualization

This interactive visualization provides tenured/tenure-track faculty commitment within a department,  and the ability to download a list of their faculty.

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Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Employee Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 12/19/2024
Graduate Student Profiles and Directory IDE
viz thumbnail for Graduate Student Profiles and Directory IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of graduate students with optional advisor and plan information.

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Office of Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Athletics Grade Report
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook allows Athletic Academic Eligibility Specialists in the Office of the Registrar to certify student-athletes' grades, majors, and credits.

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Office of Registrar Student Record Restricted Specific / Limited Audience
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UW-Madison Enrollment Report - Preliminary
Interactive Data Visualization

Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/10/2025
UW-Madison Enrollment Report
Interactive Data Visualization

Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/20/2025
Degrees and Majors: Demographics and Trends
Interactive Data Visualization

The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/27/2025