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Imaged Academic Planning Documents

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Provides access sorted by school/college, department, plan code, or subject.

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Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning
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UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Badger Analytics
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Daily at 2 am
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Plan

An area of study--such as a major, minor, or certificate--that is within an academic career.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Plan Department/Academic Unit

Academic Department/Academic Unit having ownership of an academic plan. This is the academic unit that provides advising to students in the academic plan, initiates changes in the requirements of the academic plan, and controls admission to the plan (when admissions are selective).

Academic Planning, Student Record
Career (Academic Structure)

A broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Plan Type (Academic Structure)

A code indicating the type of academic plan, related to to the degree or credential awarded to students who complete it.
CAP = Capstone
CRT = Certificate
MAJ = Major
MIN = Minor (Graduate School or Education)
TCH = Educator Certification
NON = Non-degree
HON = Honors
SP = Specialization
PRP = Pre College Program

Academic Planning, Student Record
School or College

Those faculty units headed by a dean. The dean is the chief executive officer of the school or college, and is appointed by the chancellor under search and screen procedures as set forth in 6.49. The dean must hold a tenured faculty rank as set forth in Chapter 7 of these rules. Other subunits of the university that include the term "school" in their titles are not considered schools for purposes of this chapter; they may be designated by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, as equivalent to departments for any or all of the purposes described in Chapter 5. A school or college shall be created or discontinued, or the name of an existing school or college changed, by the chancellor after consultation with the University Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. Creation of a school or college with academic programs at the post-baccalaureate graduate or professional level is also subject to the approval of the legislature. Recommendations concerning these matters shall be reported to the faculties of the schools or colleges directly affected and to the senate for discussion.

Academic Planning, Employee Record, Research Administration, Student Record

A grouping of courses, approved by faculty governance, within related academic areas.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Subject Code (Academic Structure)

For subjects used by courses offered for UW-Madison for-credit courses (not used for transfer equivalencies or placeholders for study abroad), a unique three digit code identifying each subject listing, used to organize groups of courses in related subject areas or topics.

Academic Planning