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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

Plan Type (Academic Structure)


A code indicating the type of academic plan, related to to the degree or credential awarded to students who complete it.
CAP = Capstone
CRT = Certificate
MAJ = Major
MIN = Minor (Graduate School or Education)
TCH = Educator Certification
NON = Non-degree
HON = Honors
SP = Specialization
PRP = Pre College Program

Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record

Related Dashboards

Name Type Description Responsible Office Data Domain Classification Access Restrictions Last Updated
Average GPAs by Academic Plan IDE
viz thumbnail for Average GPAs by Academic Plan IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of average cumulative GPAs by academic plan.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Number of Courses Taken in Subject by Student and Plan IDE
viz thumbnail for Number of Courses Taken in Subject by Student and Plan IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

This IDE provides a count of courses taken by subject, academic plan type, and academic plan, based on user-defined filters. The results also contain campus IDs of students in each subject and plan.

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Office of the Registrar Academic Planning, Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Student GPAs IDE
viz thumbnail for Student GPAs IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of students' cumulative GPAs based on academic plan or student group information.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Study Abroad Students IDE
viz thumbnail for Study Abroad Students IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of students detailing study abroad information for both current and historical terms.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Undergraduate Cumulative GPA Ranking by Academic Plan IDE
viz thumbnail for Undergraduate Cumulative GPA Ranking by Academic Plan IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A ranked list of students, based on their cumulative GPA. The user may define a number of filters to reduce the ranked population to one of interest.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Historical Count of Students in Academic Plans IDE
viz thumbnail for Historical Count of Students in Academic Plans IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of historical counts of students in academic plans, pivoted by primary school/college of the student. Each row contains a total count of students across schools/colleges.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Internal Student Record Data Internal
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Student Academic Plans IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Academic Plans IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of all enrolled students with academic program, plan, and subplan information.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Course Demographics IDE
viz thumbnail for Course Demographics IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A summary of aggregate course demographic information.

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Office of the Registrar Academic Planning, Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Count of Students in Academic Plans IDE
viz thumbnail for Count of Students in Academic Plans IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of user-defined academic plans, pivoted by primary school/college of the student. Each row has a grand total including all school/colleges.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Internal Student Record Data Internal
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Student Course Grades IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Course Grades IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A list of courses and grades for students based on user-defined criteria.

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Office of the Registrar Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Student Assistant Enrollment Status IDE
viz thumbnail for Student Assistant Enrollment Status IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

This Tableau workbook exports an Excel file listing currently active UW-Madison student assistantship appointments, as well information on each student's eligibility for their appointment(s) based on enrollment information from the current academic term.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Employee Record, Student Record Restricted Employee Record Data Internal, Student Record Data Restricted
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Academic Structure
viz thumbnail for Academic Structure
Interactive Data Visualization

This workbook provides information about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison's academic structure.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning Public Publicly Available 06/19/2023
Advisor Assignments IDE
viz thumbnail for Advisor Assignments IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

This IDE provides a list of advisors and their assigned advisees based on user-set filters. Accessible data span the current term, the previous two terms, and one future term for students who were active/enrolled in the term(s) selected.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Advising, Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Graduate Program Profiles - Graduate Student Funding
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization provides information about the financial support of graduate students at UW-Madison, including the percentage of fully funded students, their funding appointment types, and average monthly stipend levels. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Financial Aid, Student Record Public Publicly Available 10/14/2024
Graduate Program Profiles - Doctoral Career Outcomes
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization provides information on the early, mid, and late career outcomes of UW-Madison doctoral program alumni using a Universal Program filter. Reported data include employment status, job sector and location, and jobs in academia.

Additional Info
Office of Academic Analysis, Planning and Assessment - Graduate School UW Madison Enterprise Public Publicly Available 10/14/2024
Graduate Completion & Degrees
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. 

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Student Record Public Publicly Available 10/15/2024
Imaged Academic Planning Documents
viz thumbnail for Imaged Academic Planning Documents
Interactive Data Visualization

Provides access sorted by school/college, department, plan code, or subject.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Academic Planning Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024
Graduate Program Profiles - Completion & Degrees
Interactive Data Visualization

This data visualization reports summary information on UW-Madison graduate program degrees, time-to-degree, completion rate, retention rate, and completion over time for the past four three year cohorts of Master's and Doctoral students. It includes breakdown by sex, citizenship status, and minority status, as well as filtering by degree level, division, school/college, plan, named option, and academic year/cohort. The data visualization utilizes a Universal Program filter.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Student Record Public Publicly Available 11/08/2024
Historical Course Demographics IDE
viz thumbnail for Historical Course Demographics IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

A summary of aggregate historical course demographic information.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Academic Planning, Student Record Restricted Student Record Data Restricted
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Historical Graduate Student Funding IDE
viz thumbnail for Historical Graduate Student Funding IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.

Additional Info
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment Employee Record, Student Record Restricted Employee Record Data Internal, Student Record Data Restricted
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UW-Madison Enrollment Report - Preliminary
Interactive Data Visualization

Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/10/2025
UW-Madison Enrollment Report
Interactive Data Visualization

Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions.

Additional Info
Office of the Registrar Student Record Public Publicly Available 02/20/2025