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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Historical Graduate Student Funding IDE

Last Updated

This workbook exports an Excel file of student assistant appointments held by students enrolled in UW-Madison graduate programs over the past ten academic years. Data are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent student assistant appointments active in those months.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Employee Record, Student Record
Access Restrictions
Employee Record Data Internal, Student Record Data Restricted
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Data are refreshed nightly. Reported terms are updated in November for the fall term and April for the spring term.
Responsible Office
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment
Important Notes

The enrollment term filter returns all students enrolled in graduate major plans who also held at least one active A, C or H-basis student assistant appointment in the selected term. The enrollment term filter is required, but all other filters are optional. Once a filter choice has been specified, other filters will automatically adjust to only display relevant selections.

The appointment data in this query are derived from annual October and March payroll snapshots and therefore only represent active student assistant appointments in those months. The data file produced by this query contains a separate row for each unique combination of term, academic plan, academic subplan, employee record number and funding string.

The primary appointment column indicates the student's primary appointment each term. For students with only one appointment, this column will always indicate that appointment as primary. For students with multiple concurrent appointments the appointment with the highest FTE is considered their primary appointment. If a student has more than one appointment with the same FTE the primary appointment is based on the following order of appointments: fellow, trainee, research assistant, teaching assistant, project assistant, scholar.  Lecturer (SA) appointments are included in the teaching assistant primary appointment category.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Plan

An area of study--such as a major, minor, or certificate--that is within an academic career.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Subplan

An academic subplan distinguishes a strand of activity within an academic plan or type of major. Can be a named option or honors in a major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (AOF)

Advanced Opportunity Fellowships (AOF) are intended to support the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs. Graduate program applicants who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who meet at least one of the following basic criteria are flagged in the Graduate Application system as eligible to receive the AOF:

  1. McNair students: students who participated in a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program; OR
  2. Students from the following racial/ethnic groups: a) African American or Black; b) American Indian or Alaskan Native; c) Hispanic/Latino; d) Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, or Hmong; e) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; OR
  3. Economically disadvantaged students: a) first-generation college students who participated in one of the following TRIO programs: Upward Bound, Talent Search, Educational Opportunities Centers, or Student Support Services; b) first-generation college students who graduated from the PEOPLE Program; or c) UW–Madison bachelor's degree recipients who were in the FASTrack or BANNER programs.

Students who do not meet any of the above criteria may still be nominated for the fellowship by their academic program. Nominations are judged on a case by case basis.

Financial Aid
Campus ID

This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).

Student Record
Compensation Rate

The full-time annual pay rate, full-time academic-year pay rate or hourly pay rate.

Employee Record
Employee Record Number

Identifies each job at a particular point in time. For most employees, the number will be zero. Employees with multiple concurrent jobs will have a unique record number for each job, assigned sequentially based on date of hire for each job. For most employees, the number will be zero. Per UW policy,after a job ends, the employee record number will be reused for future jobs.

Employee Record

Full time job equivalent. Calculated as the number of expected work hours per week divided by 40. In HRS, FTE has a value of .00025 if the true FTE is 0.

Employee Record
Fiscal Year

A period that an organization uses for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements. For the university, the fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30 (i.e., FY2016 = July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). Summer is the first term in the university fiscal year.

Fund (Accounting)

Also known as appropriation, this is a 3 digit number set up by the Legislature to define the funding source and transactions that can be attributed to it.


A unique number assigned to each person in the Human Resource System.

Employee Record

SIS personal identifier. It is also called a "student Empl ID." The ID will never be changed throughout the individual's relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus ID. This is not the same as HR ID or the ID field from HRS or the Empl ID from HRS.

Student Record
International Students

Non-immigrant visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Job Code

A five-character code that identifies the employee's job classification/title. For University Staff and student hourly positions it's a numeric code. Unclassified positions have alpha-numeric codes.

Employee Record
Job Title

The job or occupation title used by a person in their place of employment.  

Employee Record
Legal Sex

A person's biological or reassigned sex as printed on legal documents.

Categories include Female (F), Male (M), Another Legal Sex (X), undisclosed (U).

Definition provided by the Data Guidelines for Legal Sex and Gender, endorsed by the Data Governance Council Feb 20, 2024 and published at

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Non-pooled Tuition

Tuition that directly supports an organizational unit instead of being combined with other revenues for general support of the institution.

Pay Basis

Defines how compensation is structured. Values may be: Annual (A); Academic (C); Hourly (H); Lump (L); No Pay Basis (N); Summer Session (S); Summer Service (V).

Employee Record
Plan Code (Academic)

A code representing an approved academic offering such as a major, minor, or certificate within an academic career and program.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Plan Type (Academic Structure)

A code indicating the type of academic plan, related to to the degree or credential awarded to students who complete it.
CAP = Capstone
CRT = Certificate
MAJ = Major
MIN = Minor (Graduate School or Education)
TCH = Educator Certification
NON = Non-degree
HON = Honors
SP = Specialization
PRP = Pre College Program

Academic Planning, Student Record
Position Number (HRS)

A unique number assigned by HRS that identifies a position. Position numbers are used to track reporting relationships in HRS.

Employee Record
Project (Accounting)

A code assigned to further specify limitations/classifications on use of funds if needed (e.g., grants).

Subplan Code (Academic Structure)

A code representing an approved curricular path option within an academic plan.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Term Code

A four-digit Student Information System (SIS) numeric representation for the academic term.

Academic Planning, Employee Record, Finance, Student Record

A UW System-wide, seven-character organizational code used to identify the Unit, Division, Department, Sub-department associated with a particular personnel, research, financial, or other activity or transaction.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Underrepresented Student of Color

A domestic (non-international) student who identifies, alone or in combination with other racial/ethnic categories, as African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino(a), Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or one or more of the following Asian subcategories (Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, or Vietnamese).

Student Record