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Degrees and Majors: Demographics and Trends

Last Updated

The four pages in this workbook show degrees and awarded majors conferred in the last 5 years. Each tab is broken down by either term or academic year and includes both a table and a trend graph. The table includes degree recipient demographic information (Legal Sex and Race/Ethnicity) and award information (School/College, Award Level, Awarded Major, and Award Description). These visualizations only include data about degrees that have been awarded. The data are refreshed nightly.

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Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Award Completion Term

The academic term in which an academic award was granted.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Formal Description

Credential that is awarded upon the completion of an academic plan.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Award Level Academic degree level corresponding to an academic award, i.e. bachelor's, master's, professional, doctoral, and other. Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Year (Su,Fa,Sp)

An academic year consists of sequential summer, fall, and spring terms. For example, the 2021-22 academic years includes summer 2021, fall 2021, and spring 2022.

Academic Planning
Degree Name

The official name of the credential that is awarded upon completion of the plan.

Academic Planning
Legal Sex

A person's biological or reassigned sex as printed on legal documents.

Categories include Female (F), Male (M), Another Legal Sex (X), undisclosed (U).

Definition provided by the Data Guidelines for Legal Sex and Gender, endorsed by the Data Governance Council Feb 20, 2024 and published at

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Race/Ethnicity (Federal)

The methodology specified by the federal government for classifying individuals' self-reported race/ethnicity into a single race/ethnicity category. An individual who self-reports as Hispanic ethnicity is classified as Hispanic even if other racial identities are provided. Individuals who do not self-report as Hispanic are classified in their single race category if only one race was provided, or in a "2 or more races" category if more than one race is provided. Student race/ethnicity only applies to domestic (non-international) students.

Employee Record, Student Record
School or College

Those faculty units headed by a dean. The dean is the chief executive officer of the school or college, and is appointed by the chancellor under search and screen procedures as set forth in 6.49. The dean must hold a tenured faculty rank as set forth in Chapter 7 of these rules. Other subunits of the university that include the term "school" in their titles are not considered schools for purposes of this chapter; they may be designated by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, as equivalent to departments for any or all of the purposes described in Chapter 5. A school or college shall be created or discontinued, or the name of an existing school or college changed, by the chancellor after consultation with the University Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. Creation of a school or college with academic programs at the post-baccalaureate graduate or professional level is also subject to the approval of the legislature. Recommendations concerning these matters shall be reported to the faculties of the schools or colleges directly affected and to the senate for discussion.

Academic Planning, Employee Record, Research Administration, Student Record