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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Graduate Student Milestones IDE

Last Updated

This workbook exports an Excel file containing two tabs of results. The first is a query of students enrolled in Graduate School research doctoral programs (PhD & DMA) and the second is a query of students that have completed at least one graduate program milestone. Optional filters provide the opportunity to specify specific milestones, plans, and advisors.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record
Access Restrictions
Student Record Data Restricted
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Stdnt Multiterm, Stdnt Plan Multiterm, Stdnt Advisor Multiterm, Stdnt Milestones, Stdnt Directory Multiterm, Stdnt Instr Adv Directory, Academic Plan, Stdnt Term Codes
Update Schedule
Data refreshes nightly.
Responsible Office
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment
Important Notes

The enrollment term filter returns all research doctoral students enrolled at the university in the selected term. The enrollment term filter is required, but all other filters are optional. The data file produced by this query contains a separate row for each unique combination of student academic plan, advisor, and milestone.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Advisor

A university staff member assigned to students for the purpose of advising them on academic matters, such as the requirements for progression through a degree program.

Academic Planning, Employee Record
Academic Plan

An area of study--such as a major, minor, or certificate--that is within an academic career.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Advisor Role

The role under which the advisor is assigned.

Academic Planning, Employee Record
Campus ID

This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).

Student Record

A unique fee status for students who have completed all requirements for a doctoral degree except for the dissertation.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Dissertator Status

Indicates whether the student is eligible for dissertator fee status in the given term.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Doctoral Degree Deadline

The date by which a doctoral student is required to complete their degree. This date is five years after the completion of preliminary exams, or in cases where an extension has been granted, the extension date.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Effective Date (Academic)

The date when the academic structure entity first became active. For subsequent actions, the effective date is when changes from the previous version became effective.

Academic Planning
Grade The grade the student received in the course. Academic Planning, Student Record
Grading Basis

The code for the basis used to grade the student in a course.

Assessment, Student Record
Grading Scheme

The code for the scheme used to grade the student in a course.

Assessment, Student Record

SIS personal identifier. It is also called a "student Empl ID." The ID will never be changed throughout the individual's relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus ID. This is not the same as HR ID or the ID field from HRS or the Empl ID from HRS.

Student Record

A requirement related to a student's eligibility to enroll, complete their degree program, remain eligible for academic or student services, or comply with policies or laws related to their student status.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Milestone Academic Plan

The [[academic plan]] in which a [[student]] earned a [[milestone]].

Student Record
Milestone Advisor/Evaluator

Optional field of the UW-Madison faculty or staff member who advises on and/or evaluates a specific milestone for a student.

Student Record
Milestone Anticipated Term

Optional field to track the term in which a milestone is anticipated to be completed.

Student Record
Milestone Attempt Method

Optional preset list of ways that someone might use to complete a milestone.

Student Record
Milestone Comments

Optional free-form text field available to provide further details about a specific milestone and its progress.

Student Record
Milestone Completion Indicator

Indicates if a milestone is complete.

Student Record
Milestone Completion Term

The term in which a milestone was completed.

Student Record
Milestone Required Term

Optional field to track the term in which a milestone must be completed.

Student Record
Milestone Title

Optional text field available to provide a more specific name for a milestone.

Student Record
School/College of Student

The student's primary school/college. Some students have a second major or pursue a certificate in another school/college.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Student Email Address (SIS)

The email address identified as ‘preferred’ by the student in the Student Information System.

Student Record
Student Name

Student's preferred name (Last, First, Middle). Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.

Academic Planning, Student Record

A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer.

University of Wisconsin - Madison