Graduate Admissions Competitor Landscape
Last Updated |
03/06/2025 |
Description |
This workbook presents data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past seven years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission. |
Report URL | |
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization) | |
Data Domain(s) |
Admissions |
Access Restrictions |
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) |
Data Source Information |
InfoAccess, Other |
Data View Information |
Update Schedule |
Data are updated annually in June for the prior academic year. |
Responsible Office |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment |
Important Notes |
Data on enrollments at other institutions are derived from National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) records. Enrollment reports are therefore limited to NSC-participating institutions which include 97% of U.S.-based colleges and universities. Enrollment records at postsecondary institutions outside the United States are not collected by the NSC and are therefore not reported in the data. Data are limited to UW-Madison graduate program admits who were new to the graduate career. Data are from new admits in fall terms 2018-2023. Data on reasons for not accepting program admission offer are limited to admits who refused the offer and who indicated reasons for their refusal in the Graduate School application system. Institutional enrollments are reported for the same academic year as the term of admission. For example, academic year 2019/20 enrollments are reported for fall 2019 admits. If an enrollment record was found but the enrollment was for a later academic year, the admit is categorized as 'No Enrollment' in the data. |
Name | Functional Definition | Data Domains |
Academic Plan | An area of study--such as a major, minor, or certificate--that is within an academic career. |
Academic Planning, Student Record |
Academic Year (Su,Fa,Sp) | An academic year consists of sequential summer, fall, and spring terms. For example, the 2021-22 academic years includes summer 2021, fall 2021, and spring 2022. |
Academic Planning |
Admit (Graduate Career) | Recommendation by an academic department to the Graduate School to admit a graduate applicant. Valid department reason codes in the Graduate School application system are G60 (full admission), G61 (admission on probation), G63 (master's only admission), G65 (admission with deficiencies), and G66 (admission on probation with deficiencies). Applicants may also be counted as admits if they are approved for admission by the Graduate School Office of Admissions. Valid Graduate School action reason codes are G11 (admit-full standing), G13 (admit-missing final transcript), G17 (admit on probation), and G18 (temporary admit on probation). |
Admissions, Student Record |
Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (AOF) | Advanced Opportunity Fellowships (AOF) are intended to support the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs. Graduate program applicants who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who meet at least one of the following basic criteria are flagged in the Graduate Application system as eligible to receive the AOF:
Students who do not meet any of the above criteria may still be nominated for the fellowship by their academic program. Nominations are judged on a case by case basis. |
Financial Aid |
Applicant | An individual who has submitted an application to be considered for admission. |
Student Record |
Career (Academic Structure) | A broad grouping of students related to their degree objectives and admitting office. Used for tuition charges, awarding financial aid, grading scales and other operational functions. |
Academic Planning, Student Record |
Cohort | A specific group of students established for tracking purposes based on an event shared by the group of students. Examples include entrance cohorts and graduation cohorts. |
Student Record |
Degree Level | The type of award granted to a student who graduates in a given plan code. Valid Values: Bachelor's Specialist |
Academic Planning, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Disciplinary Division | The four divisions established on the basis of related subjects of teaching and research and are independent of colleges, schools, and departments, and include: Biological Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. |
Academic Planning, Employee Record |
International Students | Non-immigrant visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Legal Sex | A person's biological or reassigned sex as printed on legal documents. Categories include Female (F), Male (M), Another Legal Sex (X), undisclosed (U). Definition provided by the Data Guidelines for Legal Sex and Gender, endorsed by the Data Governance Council Feb 20, 2024 and published at |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Named Option | A named option is a formally documented sub-major within an academic major program. |
Academic Planning, Student Record |
School/College of Academic Plan | Indicates the school/college that has ownership of the academic plan. |
Academic Planning, Student Record |
Term | A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Term Admit Type | Indicates whether a student is a continuing, readmitted, reentry/transfer, new freshman, new transfer, or other new student in that term, except students who start as new freshmen in summer are shown as new freshmen in the following fall too, if enrolled. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Underrepresented Student of Color | A domestic (non-international) student who identifies, alone or in combination with other racial/ethnic categories, as African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino(a), Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or one or more of the following Asian subcategories (Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, or Vietnamese). |
Student Record |