Department (Academic Structure)
Definition |
An entity approved by academic governance to serve at least one of three academic purposes: serve as the academic home for a plan, serve as the academic home of a subject, or serve as a faculty tenure home. The status of an academic organization as academic owner is established through faculty/shared governance approval process; each plan and subject has one academic organization designated as an academic owner. Academic organizations are tied to the budgetary UDD (A####). |
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization) | |
Data Domain(s) |
Academic Planning, Employee Record |
Related Dashboards
Name | Type | Description | Responsible Office | Data Domain | Classification | Access Restrictions | Last Updated |
Lumen Tools
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Interactive Data Visualization | This workbook provides information about current activity in the Lumen system. Lumen is the gateway for faculty, curricular representatives, and governance bodies to update, track, and approve functions related to courses, curriculum and programs. Details about each visualization are below: Course Proposals: shows all course proposals currently in progress with filters related to the course owner and where the proposal is in the governance approval process. Program Proposals: shows all program proposals currently in progress with filters related to the program owner, the type of proposal and where it is in the governance approval and publication process. Red Box: shows programs that utilize courses that may need resolution in one or more of the following: inactivation/discontinuation of a course; change of subject; change of catalog number; or new/unapproved course. These items, if not resolved, will result in the software using a 'red-box' around the subject and catalog number combination indicating there is an issue with the course as entered. Lumen/Guide Roles Directory: lists all Lumen/Guide workflow roles and their members filterable by school/college, department and role type. Includes identifiers for who is a chair or dean and which members are no longer employed by the university. Obsolete Course Proposal Process: shows all courses identified as obsolete per policy in progress for the current academic year and where the proposal is in the governance process. Includes filters for school/college/division, department, subject or crosslist, course title, and waiver status. Suspended/Discontinued Programs: tracks academic programs (plans and subplans) that are in the process of being discontinued. Intended for the purpose of aiding schools and colleges with the processes necessary to close down a program. Additional Info |
Academic Planning and Institutional Research | Academic Planning | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 09/12/2022 |
Department Planning Profiles: Summary Profile
Interactive Data Visualization | This interactive data visualization provides data trends for each division and department across 7 topic areas, including: Credit Allocation, Student Enrollments, Degrees/Certificates, Faculty Roster, Payroll, Budget, and Research Awards. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Academic Planning, Employee Record, Research Administration, Student Record | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 05/03/2023 |
Academic Structure
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Interactive Data Visualization | This workbook provides information about academic divisions (schools/colleges), departments, plans, subplans, and curricular subjects as well as a visual overview of UW-Madison's academic structure. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Academic Planning | Public | Publicly Available | 06/19/2023 |
Faculty Salary Scatterplots
Interactive Data Visualization | This Tableau workbook provides faculty salary data by department (including gender, faculty rank and years since degree) to assist in determining whether faculty members are appropriately and equitably paid in comparison to peers at UW-Madison. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Employee Record | Sensitive |
Specific / Limited Audience
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03/18/2024 |
Student Service Indicators IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports an Excel file containing results of a query of the STDNT_SERVICE_INDICATORS InfoAccess data view based on user-defined filters. Additional Info |
Office of the Registrar | Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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03/27/2024 |
GRS Community Completion IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Completion Rates Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Financial Aid | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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08/08/2024 |
GRS Community Degrees IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Time-to-Degree Characteristics' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Financial Aid, Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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08/08/2024 |
GRS Community Enrollment IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Enrolled Students' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Financial Aid, Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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08/08/2024 |
GRS Community Funding IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics by Funding Level' tabs of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Financial Aid, Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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08/08/2024 |
GSSC Application Data
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Interactive Data Visualization | Separate dashboards in the workbook display aggregate data on the demographic and gender characteristics of enrolled students, program completion rates, as well as student satisfaction with both their graduate program and the broader campus diversity climate. Each dashboard allows data comparisons between the program and the larger disciplinary division to provide additional context to the reported numbers. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Student Record | Internal |
Student Record Data Internal
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09/17/2024 |
GSSC Application Data IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'GSSC Application Data' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing applications to the GSSC program. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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09/17/2024 |
GRS Community Admissions IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | This workbook exports a file of individual student record data used in the 'Characteristics of Applicants' tab of the 'GRS Community Annual Reports' visualization. This workbook is intended to provide operational information to departments and programs preparing annual reports for Graduate Research Scholars Communities. It is not intended to provide official counts, trends, or summary information. Additional Info |
Graduate School Office of Academic Analysis, Planning, & Assessment | Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Record | Restricted |
Student Record Data Restricted
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10/14/2024 |
Trends in Faculty Salaries at UW-Madison and Official Peer Institutions
Interactive Data Visualization | This visualization provides average faculty salaries at UW-Madison and official salary peer institutions beginning with 2018-19. It also shows the percentage gap between UW-Madison and peer schools/colleges and departments. Users can see the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code used to match departments across institutions in each year. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Employee Record, UW Madison Enterprise | Restricted |
Specific / Limited Audience
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10/31/2024 |
CLO Expedited Project IDE
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Institutional Data Exporter (IDE) | All currently active courses in the course catalog with select data elements such as the course learning outcomes, grad attribute, gen ed attributes and when the course was last taught for the purpose of providing data for the CLO Expedited Project. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Academic Planning | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 11/01/2024 |
Student Credit Hours by School, College and Department
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Interactive Data Visualization | This is a visualization of student credit hours using the Credits Follow the Instructor (CFI) data system which apportions course credits to the section level and then attributes course section credits to the academic unit funding the instructor. This attribution is often different than the academic unit that coordinates the course subject listing(s). The number of student credits hours, the change from previous like semesters, and the relationship between funding department and subject listing(s) are all provided. Student credit hours for fall and spring semesters between fall 2014 and fall 2023 are included. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Academic Planning, Employee Record | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 11/01/2024 |
UW-Madison's Course Catalog
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Interactive Data Visualization | Courses in UW-Madison's Course Catalog have been approved by the University Curriculum Committee and are available for scheduling. Information about these courses include the course subject listings, departments, and school/colleges that offer these courses; course attributes related to general education, breadth, level, and applicability to graduate programs; as well as information about crosslisting and when courses were last taught and their approved learning outcomes. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Academic Planning | Public | Publicly Available | 11/01/2024 |
Department Planning Profiles: Faculty Roster
Interactive Data Visualization | This interactive visualization provides tenured/tenure-track faculty commitment within a department, and the ability to download a list of their faculty. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Employee Record | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 12/19/2024 |
Employee Demographics
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Interactive Data Visualization | Non-duplicating headcount of UW-Madison employees by department with demographic characteristics. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Employee Record | Internal |
Employee Record Data Internal
Request Access |
12/20/2024 |
Department Planning Profiles: Payroll
Interactive Data Visualization | This interactive visualization provides October and March payroll data going back to 1993 and monthly payroll data for recent years. It includes FTE and annual payroll amounts at the institution, division, department and subdepartment levels. Additional Info |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research | Budget | Internal | UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) | 01/09/2025 |
UW-Madison Enrollment Report - Preliminary
Interactive Data Visualization | Unofficial student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by gender, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions. Additional Info |
Office of the Registrar | Student Record | Public | Publicly Available | 02/10/2025 |
UW-Madison Enrollment Report
Interactive Data Visualization | Official student enrollment information as of the census date (end of the 10th day of instruction) by term. Includes breakouts by legal sex, college and program, admissions type, residency and major, student distributions by age, credits carried, high school percentiles, and student population geographic distributions. Additional Info |
Office of the Registrar | Student Record | Public | Publicly Available | 02/20/2025 |