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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

CLO Expedited Project IDE

Last Updated

All currently active courses in the course catalog with select data elements such as the course learning outcomes, grad attribute, gen ed attributes and when the course was last taught for the purpose of providing data for the CLO Expedited Project.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Badger Analytics, InfoAccess
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Daily at 7 am
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
Important Notes

Data are refreshed daily at 7 a.m. Column names are in a database-style format because the data will be consumed by a downstream application.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Catalog Number

A code associated with a course in the course catalog.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Communications Part B Course Courses that have been approved through governance as higher level communication and are therefore eligible to satisfy the second of two general education communication requirements for communication. Academic Planning
Component Type

Signifies the type of instruction for a particular course section.

Academic Planning
Course ID

A 6-digit unique ID assigned to a specific course. All course members of a crosslisted course will have the same Course ID.

Academic Planning
Course Title

The official name of the course.

Academic Planning
Department (Academic Structure)

An entity approved by academic governance to serve at least one of three academic purposes: serve as the academic home for a plan, serve as the academic home of a subject, or serve as a faculty tenure home. The status of an academic organization as academic owner is established through faculty/shared governance approval process; each plan and subject has one academic organization designated as an academic owner. Academic organizations are tied to the budgetary UDD (A####).

Academic Planning, Employee Record
Division (Academic)

An academic group of the University, defined in Faculty Policies & Procedures Chapter 3 and led by a dean or director who reports to the provost, that serves as a school, college or like unit. Each academic program code has an academic division assigned.

Academic Planning
Ethnic Studies Course Courses that have been approved through governance as ethnic studies and are therefore eligible to satisfy the general education requirement for ethnic studies. Academic Planning
Graduate Course Attribute

An indicator that the course is designated for graduate work and counts toward the Graduate School's requirement that at least 50% of credits applied to a graduate degree must be at the graduate level.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Section Number

This denotes a specific component of a given course in a given term. For example, a course with five sections - one lecture section, two lab sections, and two discussion sections - will have each section identified by a different section number in a given term.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Session Code

A code which indicates the session within the term the course meets. See for more information.

Academic Planning

A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer.

University of Wisconsin - Madison