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Department Planning Profiles: Payroll

Last Updated

This interactive visualization provides October and March payroll data going back to 1993 and monthly payroll data for recent years. It includes FTE and annual payroll amounts at the institution, division, department and subdepartment levels.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Badger Analytics, HRS/EPM, InfoAccess
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Weekly on Saturday at 11 pm
Responsible Office
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
Important Notes

The following groups are not included: 1) student hourlies; 2) hourly workers in categories other than university staff; and 3) post-degree training staff and graduate assistants for whom UW-Madison does not withhold taxes and whose positions are generally funded by entities other than UW-Madison.

Funds and Program Codes

Information on funds and program codes is available through the UW System Chart of Accounts,

Fund Groups

State Funds include funds: 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 126, 176, 177, 178, 402, 403, 406, 601
Program Revenues include funds: 120, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 136, 139, 183, 501, 526, 528, 529, 530
Gifts and Grants include funds: 133, 135, 137, 154, 159, 161, 165, 166, 167, 169, 172, 182, 185, 187, 190, 233, 533
Federal Funds include funds: 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 199

Academic Staff Instructional and Instr - CHS/Clinical Categories

These categories include the following job codes:

Instructional Pre-TTC:

D11NN, D12NN, D13NN, D14NN, D21NN, D22NN, D23NN, D41NN, D42NN, D43NN, D44NN, D61NN, D62NN, D63NN, D73NN, D80AN, D80BN, D80DN, D80FN, D81BN, D81DN, D81FN, D91BN, D91NN, D92AN, D92DN, D92FN, D92LN, D95AN, D95DN, D95FN, D95LN, T04BN, T04DN, T04FN

Instructional TTC:

IC001, IC002, IC003, IC004, IC005, IC006, IC007, IC018, IC019, IC020, IC021, IC022, IC023, IC024, IC025, IC026, IC027, IC028, IC029, IC030, IC031, IC032, IC036, TL001, TL020, TL022, TL024, TL025, TL026, TL027, TL031, TL053, TL055, TL056

Instr - CHS/Clinical Pre-TTC:

D00AN, D01NN, D02NN, D03NN, D04NN, D50AN, D51NN, D52NN, D53NN, D54NN

Instr - CHS/Clinical TTC:

IC008, IC009, IC010, IC011, IC012, IC013, IC014, IC015, IC016, IC017

Graduate Assistant Categories

These categories include the following job codes:

Program or Project Assistant Pre-TTC:

Y42NC, Y42NG, Y42NN, Y43NC, Y43ND, Y43NG, Y43NN

Program or Project Assistant TTC:

SA005, SA006, SA007, SA008, SA019, SA020, SA021, SA022

Research Assistant Pre-TTC:


Research Assistant TTC:


Teaching Assistant Pre-TTC:

Y30NN, Y33ND, Y33NN

Teaching Assistant TTC:

SA004, SA011, SA012

Job Families/Groups

Beginning with the November 2021 payroll data, the “Select Job Family/Group” filter uses job groups created by the Title and Total Compensation project. For older data, the filter uses job families. There is not a one-to-one relationship between job groups and job families.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains

The action of an appointing authority to place a person in a position within the agency (UW-Madison) in accordance with the law and the Rules of the Administrator, Division of Merit Recruitment and Selection (DMRS). An appointment is effective when the employee reports for work or is in paid leave status on the agreed starting date and time.

Employee Record
Department (Academic Structure)

An entity approved by academic governance to serve at least one of three academic purposes: serve as the academic home for a plan, serve as the academic home of a subject, or serve as a faculty tenure home. The status of an academic organization as academic owner is established through faculty/shared governance approval process; each plan and subject has one academic organization designated as an academic owner. Academic organizations are tied to the budgetary UDD (A####).

Academic Planning, Employee Record
Department (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each department (academic or budgetary) within a Division (UDDS). Department is the fourth and fifth characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Division (Academic)

An academic group of the University, defined in Faculty Policies & Procedures Chapter 3 and led by a dean or director who reports to the provost, that serves as a school, college or like unit. Each academic program code has an academic division assigned.

Academic Planning
Division (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each school/college or non-academic division within a Unit (UDDS). Division is the second and third characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
FTE (Payroll)

Employee full-time equivalent from payroll used in budget considerations and official reporting. Excludes LTEs, student and unclassified hourly employees, certain post-degree training staff and graduate assistantships.

Fund (Accounting)

Also known as appropriation, this is a 3 digit number set up by the Legislature to define the funding source and transactions that can be attributed to it.

Job Code

A five-character code that identifies the employee's job classification/title. For University Staff and student hourly positions it's a numeric code. Unclassified positions have alpha-numeric codes.

Employee Record
Pay Basis

Defines how compensation is structured. Values may be: Annual (A); Academic (C); Hourly (H); Lump (L); No Pay Basis (N); Summer Session (S); Summer Service (V).

Employee Record
Program (Accounting)

A code assigned to classify institutional activities in accordance with NACUBO.


A UW System-wide, seven-character organizational code used to identify the Unit, Division, Department, Sub-department associated with a particular personnel, research, financial, or other activity or transaction.

University of Wisconsin - Madison