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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Undergraduate Honors Students in Courses IDE

Last Updated

A list of courses for students enrolled in an honors plan or subplan.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record
Access Restrictions
Student Record Data Restricted
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Data refreshes weekday mornings.
Responsible Office
Office of the Registrar
Important Notes

This IDE uses the honors identification method (via plan or subplan) which began in 1192. Historical honors information (identified via student group) is not available through this IDE. Excludes subject codes of 'SAB' and 'ZZZ'.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Academic Level

Indicates whether a student is an undergraduate, graduate or professional, or special student. For undergraduates, students are freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior based on accumulated credits, not the duration of time at the University.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Academic Plan

An area of study--such as a major, minor, or certificate--that is within an academic career.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Academic Subplan

An academic subplan distinguishes a strand of activity within an academic plan or type of major. Can be a named option or honors in a major.

Academic Planning, Student Record
Campus ID

This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student's request. It is not the same as ID in the Student Information System (SIS) or ID in the Human Resources System (HRS).

Student Record
Catalog Number

A code associated with a course in the course catalog.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Course Credits Number of credits a student earns for successful completion of the course. Academic Planning, Student Record
Course Title

The official name of the course.

Academic Planning
School/College of Course

Indicates the School/College that has ownership of the Subject under which the course is offered.

Academic Planning
Section Number

This denotes a specific component of a given course in a given term. For example, a course with five sections - one lecture section, two lab sections, and two discussion sections - will have each section identified by a different section number in a given term.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Student Name

Student's preferred name (Last, First, Middle). Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.

Academic Planning, Student Record

A grouping of courses, approved by faculty governance, within related academic areas.

University of Wisconsin - Madison

A period of instruction: Fall, Spring, or Summer.

University of Wisconsin - Madison