Course Grade Distribution
Last Updated |
02/06/2025 |
Description |
Information about enrollments, average course GPA, and instructors is provided at the course and course section level. Users can decide to view the grade distributions by the number of students or the percentage of students. |
Report URL | |
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization) | |
Data Domain(s) |
Academic Planning, Student Record |
Access Restrictions |
Student Record Data Internal |
Data Source Information |
InfoAccess |
Responsible Office |
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research |
Important Notes |
This report combines crosslisted courses and displays courses under each of its subjects. For example, Biology/Botany/Zoology 151 are all the same course offered under three different subjects. This report shows the entire course enrollment under all three subject listings rather than just the enrollments under the subject that the student used to enroll in the course. Other grades include: DR, EI, I, IF, IN, NR, NW, P, PI, Q, W. These grades reflect incomplete grades, grades that are not in final status, and notations for students who dropped the course or withdrew from the university. These are not factored into student GPAs. |
Name | Functional Definition | Data Domains |
A Grade | A grade of A is considered "excellent" and counts as 4 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
AB Grade | A grade of AB is considered "intermediate grade" and counts as 3.5 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
Academic Level | Indicates whether a student is an undergraduate, graduate or professional, or special student. For undergraduates, students are freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior based on accumulated credits, not the duration of time at the University. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
B Grade | A grade of B is considered "good" and counts as 3 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
BC Grade | A grade of BC is considered "intermediate grade" and counts as 2.5 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
Biological Science Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as biological science and are therefore eligible to satisfy biological science credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
C Grade | A grade of C is considered "fair" and counts as 2 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
CR Grade | A CR grade counts for credit in courses offered on a credit/no credit basis. |
Student Record |
Catalog Number | A code associated with a course in the course catalog. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Communications Part A Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as lower level communication and are therefore eligible to satisfy the first of two general education communication requirements for communication. | Academic Planning |
Communications Part B Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as higher level communication and are therefore eligible to satisfy the second of two general education communication requirements for communication. | Academic Planning |
Course | This is a unit of instruction approved through faculty governance. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Course level | An indicator of the level of the course determined by the Letters and Science (L&S) Curriculum Committee. Possible values are E (Elementary), I (Intermediate), D (Intermediate/Advanced) and A (Advanced). |
Academic Planning |
D Grade | A grade of D is considered "poor" and counts as 1 grade point per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
Ethnic Studies Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as ethnic studies and are therefore eligible to satisfy the general education requirement for ethnic studies. | Academic Planning |
F Grade | A grade of F is considered "failure" and counts as 0 grade points per credit on a 4.0 grading scale. |
Student Record |
Humanities Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as humanities and are therefore eligible to satisfy humanities credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
Literature Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as literature and are therefore eligible to satisfy literature credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
N Grade | A N grade does not count for credit in courses offered on a credit/no credit basis. |
Student Record |
Natural Science Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as natural science and are therefore eligible to satisfy natural science credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
Physical Science Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as physical science and are therefore eligible to satisfy physical science credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
Quantitative Reasoning Part A Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as lower level quantitative reasoning and are therefore eligible to satisfy the first of two general education requirements for quantitative reasoning. | Academic Planning |
Quantitative Reasoning Part B Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as higher level quantitative reasoning and are therefore eligible to satisfy the second of two general education requirements for quantitative reasoning. | Academic Planning |
S Grade | An S grade is considered 'satisfactory' in courses taken on a pass/fail basis. |
Student Record |
SD Grade | A SD (Satisfactory-Disruption) grade is a special grading option for students created in response to COVID-19 events. A SD grade counts for credit but does not factor into GPA calculations. Please refer to for additional details. |
Student Record |
Section Number | This denotes a specific component of a given course in a given term. For example, a course with five sections - one lecture section, two lab sections, and two discussion sections - will have each section identified by a different section number in a given term. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Social Science Course | Courses that have been approved through governance as social science and are therefore eligible to satisfy social science credit requirements. | Academic Planning |
Subject | A grouping of courses, approved by faculty governance, within related academic areas. |
University of Wisconsin - Madison |
U Grade | A U grade is considered 'unsatisfactory' in courses taken on a pass/fail basis |
Student Record |
UD Grade | A UD (University Disruption-No Credit) grade is a special grading option for students created in response to COVID-19 events. A UD grade does not count for credit and does not factor into GPA calculations. Please refer to for additional details. |
Student Record |