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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Curricular Audit Tools

Last Updated

Multiple visualizations are in this workbook. Each provides a unique function related to the schedule of classes and a different way to look at the data.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Academic Planning, Student Record
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Daily, weekdays early morning
Responsible Office
Office of the Registrar
Important Notes

These visualizations only display classes in active status. Classes for the Farm and Industry Short Course prior to implementation of the FISC subject listing in Fall 2017 are not included in this visualization. Classes with a session code of 'A2' have been removed from all visualizations. Classes with a section number of '000' have been removed from all visualizations.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Associated Class Number

A unique number assigned to an enrollment package. Associated Class number ‘9999’ is a wildcard.

Academic Planning
Auto Enrolled Section

The section of a course in which a student is automatically enrolled when enrolling for the course's primary section.

Academic Planning
Combined Wait List Capacity

Maximum number of students allowed to be on the wait list for class sections that are combined.

Academic Planning
Combined Wait List Total

Number of students on the wait list for class sections that are combined.

Academic Planning
Component Type

Signifies the type of instruction for a particular course section.

Academic Planning
Course Combination Type

Denotes if and how a course is offered as combined sections.

Academic Planning
Course Credits Number of credits a student earns for successful completion of the course. Academic Planning, Student Record
Course Honors Indicates whether a course is offered for honors credit. Academic Planning
Course ID

A 6-digit unique ID assigned to a specific course. All course members of a crosslisted course will have the same Course ID.

Academic Planning
Instructional Mode

How course section instruction is delivered. Four values currently are in use, including classroom instruction (planned and delivered face-to-face), hybrid (planned and delivered part face-to-face, part online), online (planned and delivered entirely online), remote (planned face-to-face but delivered online due to circumstances). A temporary value of 'being decided' is used during the time when the Schedule of Classes is being built and the instruction mode is not yet decided.

UW Madison Enterprise
Section Honors Indicates whether a section is offered for honors credit. Academic Planning
Section Number

This denotes a specific component of a given course in a given term. For example, a course with five sections - one lecture section, two lab sections, and two discussion sections - will have each section identified by a different section number in a given term.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Session Code

A code which indicates the session within the term the course meets. See for more information.

Academic Planning

A grouping of courses, approved by faculty governance, within related academic areas.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Topic Title

This identifies the name of a course section offered under the umbrella of a topics course.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Wait List Capacity

Maximum number of students allowed to be on a class section's wait list.

Academic Planning
Wait List Total

Number of students on a class section's wait list.

Academic Planning