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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

FTE (Faculty Department Tenure)


Full time equivalent (FTE) of tenured/tenure-track faculty commitments within a specific department. This is determined as the faculty’s total FTE multiplied by the fraction of FTE committed to each department. Takes into consideration both a faculty member's employment FTE and the number of departments where tenure is held. 

Faculty with tenure appointments in multiple departments have tenure FTE split among those departments.

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Related Dashboards

Name Type Description Responsible Office Data Domain Classification Access Restrictions Last Updated
Department Planning Profiles: Faculty Roster
Interactive Data Visualization

This interactive visualization provides tenured/tenure-track faculty commitment within a department,  and the ability to download a list of their faculty.

Additional Info
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research Employee Record Internal UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required) 11/01/2024