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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

Cybersecurity Awareness Training Audit

Last Updated

A list and summary of UW-Madison employees who completed the Cybersecurity Awareness training.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Employee Record, Student Record
Access Restrictions
Employee Record Data Internal, Student Record Data Internal
Data Source Information
HRS/EPM, InfoAccess
Data View Information
Update Schedule
Daily at 3AM
Responsible Office
Office of Cybersecurity
Important Notes

The underlying data includes all employee except for SA1 employee class. The calculations are based on 365 days and not necessarily a calendar year box.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains
Business Email Address (HRS)

The email address designated by an employee in HRS and used by HRS for business purposes. At UW-Madison, this email address is synchronized with the DoIT primary email address. See Email Address (DoIT), Bus Email (HRS).

Employee Record
Department (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each department (academic or budgetary) within a Division (UDDS). Department is the fourth and fifth characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Division (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each school/college or non-academic division within a Unit (UDDS). Division is the second and third characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Employee ID Number (HRS)

Employee ID Number (HRS) - A unique 8-digit number assigned to each individual in HRS; used for tracking all HRS information related to an individual. These numbers are assigned to both employees as well as Persons of Interest.

Employee Record
Employee Name (HRS)

The English format name for an employee entered in HRS. The name consists of Last Name, First Name and an optional Middle Initial.

Employee Record
Employment Class

A classification system used to group employees with common attributes; examples: FA = Faculty, SH = Student Hourly, CP = University Staff, etc.

Employee Record
NetID (IT)

The identifier portion of the NetID username and password credential.

Employee Record, Student Record
Pay Basis

Defines how compensation is structured. Values may be: Annual (A); Academic (C); Hourly (H); Lump (L); No Pay Basis (N); Summer Session (S); Summer Service (V).

Employee Record
Subdepartment (UDDS)

A two-character numeric designation for each subdepartment (primarily budgetary) within a Department (UDDS). Subdepartment is the sixth and seventh characters of a UDDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Training (Canvas)

A specific module within Canvas for the delivery of information.

Employee Record
Training Status

The level of progress for completing a training. The 3 levels are Completed (finished with a passing grade), Not Completed – (in progress, not yet completed, or completed but did not receive a passing grade), and Expired (completed beyond the expiration date).

Employee Record