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Glossary of Terms In Administrative Data and Reports

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research

Accounting Period (Accounting)


Represents a specific time interval (usually a month) for which each transaction is assigned. Possible values are:

  • 1 (Jul)
  • 2 (Aug)
  • 3 (Sep)
  • 4 (Oct)
  • 5 (Nov)
  • 6 (Dec)
  • 7 (Jan)
  • 8 (Feb)
  • 9 (Mar)
  • 10 (Apr)
  • 11 (May)
  • 12 (Jun)
  • 13 (Close)
  • 998 (Year End Adjustments)

Project/grants will typically show Period 13 with Period 1 of the next fiscal year.

Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)

Related Dashboards

Name Type Description Data Domain Responsible Office Access Restrictions Last Updated
Payroll Funding Edit & Placeholder IDE
viz thumbnail for Payroll Funding Edit & Placeholder IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

An export of employee jobs and the respective upcoming payroll funding projections for a given Deptid(s) and Pay Period(s).

Additional Info
Employee Record Office of Human Resources Employee Record Data Internal
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Salary Funding IDE
viz thumbnail for Salary Funding IDE
Institutional Data Exporter (IDE)

An export of salary data for both the past (payroll) and the future (projection). Data is displayed by job, project, pay period, HRS distribution percentage, funding source, etc.

Additional Info
Employee Record Office of Human Resources Employee Record Data Internal
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Profit and Loss Report
viz thumbnail for Profit and Loss Report
Interactive Data Visualization

The workbook provides year to date detailed fund balances by fund and account category. It also provides inception to date carryover balances for Program Revenue (PR) funds and budget carryover for General Purpose funds (GPR).

Additional Info
Finance Division of Business Services Specific / Limited Audience
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