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Repository for Administrative Data and Reports

WisconsinX (edX) Email Opt-Ins

Last Updated

Counts of how many learners in WisconsinX courses chose to opt-in to receive marketing emails from UW-Madison related to the WisconsinX course(s) in which they enrolled. The academic owners of these courses who wish to conduct email marketing campaigns to these learners may contact Alan Ng for next steps.

Report URL
Data Cookbook URL (requires authorization)
Data Domain(s)
Student Record, UW Madison Enterprise
Access Restrictions
UW-Madison Employees (NetID Required)
Data Source Information
Update Schedule
Responsible Office
Division of Continuing Studies
Important Notes


'Opt-In/Out': When a WisconsinX learner has chosen, via an edX-hosted form, to receive email marketing messages from UW-Madison about UW-Madison courses and programs, this field is marked 'True,' otherwise 'False.' For details on how UW-Madison may communicate with opted-in learners, see section V of the edX Privacy Policy at The counts in this visualization are the number of distinct learners in the displayed category.

“Learners” are distinct edX account holders who have enrolled in at least one WisconsinX course, while “enrollments” are course enrollment transactions. Learners may have multiple enrollments. Learners include UW staff working in each course.

'Program': In the WisconsinX context, a program is a set of edX courses that lead to an edX certificate.

'Course run': edX courses are typically offered on a recurring schedule. Each scheduled offering is called a 'course run'.

'Audit/Verified': Learners who purchase the paid edX certificate of course completion are 'Verified' enrollees in a course, otherwise they are 'Audit' enrollees.

'SCID': School/College/Institute/Division.

'RunID': RunIDs are familiar to staff using the edX platform as the unique identifier for each course run, visible both to all course users (staff and learners) in the course URL as well as in this UW-internal reference document of WisconsinX courses:

'Run Status': edX does not have a published definition, however, the following two statuses are defined here by the Division of Continuing Studies:

“Published”: These courses are currently open for enrollment.

“Archived”: These courses have an end date that has passed. If the next run of this course has been published, then this run is no longer open for enrollment.

Other Notes:

Data are refreshed on Mondays, assuming edX delivers data on schedule.

For edX's data definitions for the data source used here, see:

If you have questions, contact Alan Ng.


Name Functional Definition Data Domains